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It is no coincidence that in Italian the term “Decoro” has two
meanings, and encompasses the environment as much as it does the
material. The word is used to describe “scenic decoration, scenery,
harmonious proportion between parts of a whole, between form and
content” as well as “an ornament, decoration, ornamental motif”.
In reference to people it implies sobriety, restraint. However, when used
to describe things, it can mean pomp, or embellishment that enriches
and compliments.
Above all, for Capod’opera, “Decor” means freedom of expression.
It represents the highest form of identity, a reason for genuine
distinction. It is the need to express the essence of a piece of
furniture, as well as that of the person who made it and, in the end,
that bought it.
In this way “Decor” becomes a bridge, a connector, an element of
union and, above all, definition. Capod’opera’s intimate nature is
precisely that of defining, characterizing a product and the space in
which it is inserted, through the use of a texture, a detail, or simply
colour. Making it a recognizable element. Through direct dialogue
with its interlocutors, Capod’opera provides the tools that enable
complete creative freedom. In this sense, the company may be
utilised by its clients, as well as shopkeepers and architects.
Of course, one should do so with much reflection, as no piece of
Capod’opera furniture is the same as another. The result of each
design also depends, to a certain extent, on our clients’ intuition and
the level of experimentation that they would like to reach. They have
to trust and, above all, entrust. Our intention is to design together, a
goal that always represents an adventure, a shared experience.
For Capod’opera “experience” punctuates our lives and everyday
activities. Those simple, honest values that are a part of everyone
involved in the creative process, and which are reflected in our final
products, which assimilate and express our skills and knowhow,
together with thoughts and certainties. In this sense our works are
In the same way that a journey to undiscovered destinations inspires
new ideas, curiosity drives experimentation. Our laboratory is a
point of encounter and exchange, in which practical, authentic,
and humble know-how is generated. Just like the medieval arts
and crafts guilds, in which student apprentices unveiled their
“capodopera”, or masterpieces. “To experience” is to make contact.
To try out, experiment.
It is an investigation into places, habits, lifestyles, and trends.
The resulting harmony always derives from a tension in its
implementation, generated by one’s curiosity for research, and for