MALAY Counter Stool and NIKU Pendant Light.
It is common to describe the kitchen as the space that goes all
the way to the heart through the stomach - it is all about the main
purpose of a kitchen. Food feeds our soul, it gives us energy for
everyday life. Even more than that, we all have fond memories of
cooking with our parents, and grandparents, getting to know the
family’s secret ingredient, or even beginning our own secret family
recipes - all very caring memories that will forever linger with each
one. The way the kitchen is organised and what composes it is a
crucial part of this process. On the left, the simple yet elegant design
of the MALAY Counter Stool in a very soft colour contrasts with the
modern NIKU Pendant Light in black. These two elements together
fulfil the entire kitchen ambience with an abundance of energy.
On top, the luxurious black upholstered CAYO Counter Stool is the
perfect match for a modern kitchen design with an island.
CAYO Counter Stool and MARCUS Pendant Light by DelightFull.