sedie | chairs
© B 4 LIVING Spa
sedia bassa | low back chair - cod. 44.44
sedia alta | high back chair - cod. 44.45
Sedia con struttura in acciaio completamente
imbottita e rivestita.
Rivestimento - TR516 pelle ecologica grigio chiaro.
Chair with metal frame completely covered
and upholstered.
Upholstery - TR516 light grey Eco leather.
sedia bassa | low back chair - cod. 44.44
sedia alta | high back chair - cod. 44.45
Sedia con struttura in acciaio completamente
imbottita e rivestita.
Rivestimento - TR502 pelle ecologica rossa.
Chair with metal frame completely covered
and upholstered.
Upholstery - TR502 red Eco leather.