Blustyle Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Blustyle: Blow 2023, стр 25 с 29

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Altissima resistenza ai carichi di rottura
Highly resistant to heavy loads
Highly resistant to heavy loads
Elevata resistenza meccanica
Superior mechanical strength
Superior mechanical strength
Elevata resistenza allo scivolamento
High slip resistance
High slip resistance
Resistente al gelo
Eccezionale resistenza alle macchie
Exceptional resistance to stains
Exceptional resistance to stains
Facile da installare, rimuovere e riutilizzare
Easy to install, remove and reuse
Easy to install, remove and reuse
Facile da pulire
Easy to clean
Easy to clean
Eterno: materia e colori stabili nel tempo
Eternal: the product and its colours are
Eternal: the product and its colours are
stable over time
stable over time
Ecologico: creato nel rispetto e per la
salvaguardia dell’ambiente
Eco-friendly: manufactured in a way which
Eco-friendly: manufactured in a way which
respects and sustains the environment
respects and sustains the environment
Abbinabile ai prodotti da interno per un
perfetto coordinamento estetico senza
Can be combined with products for interior
Can be combined with products for interior
spaces seamlessly and without interruptions
spaces seamlessly and without interruptions
Carrabile quando incollato su massetto
Resistant to vehicular passage when applied
Resistant to vehicular passage when applied
to a screed with adhesives
to a screed with adhesives
Resistente agli sbalzi termici, agli agenti
atmosferici, agli acidi, alle muffe e al sale
Resistant to thermal shock,
Resistant to thermal shock, atmospheric
agents, acids, mould and salt
agents, acids, mould and salt
Resistente al fuoco
Fire resistant
Fire resistant
Il gres porcellanato 20mm è il prodotto a massima prestazione tecnica ideale per ambienti esterni senza
rischio di rotture, e per ogni soluzione in continuità tra ambienti interni ed esterni. Resistente al gelo e
agli sbalzi termici, presenta elevate caratteristiche antiscivolo, mantiene inalterata nel tempo materia e
colore ed è facile da pulire. L’unione perfetta di estetica ed elevate prestazioni tecniche per una garanzia
di durata senza limiti.
20mm porcelain stoneware
20mm porcelain stoneware has the highest technical performance of any product and is perfect for outdoor
has the highest technical performance of any product and is perfect for outdoor
spaces, with no risk of breakage. It enables solutions that create seamless continuity between interior and
spaces, with no risk of breakage. It enables solutions that create seamless continuity between interior and
exterior spaces. Resistant to frost and to thermal shock, it also has heightened anti-slip characteristics,
exterior spaces. Resistant to frost and to thermal shock, it also has heightened anti-slip characteristics,
maintains its texture and color over time, and is easy to clean. The perfect union between aesthetic quality
maintains its texture and color over time, and is easy to clean. The perfect union between aesthetic quality
and high technical performance, guaranteeing limitless durability.
and high technical performance, guaranteeing limitless durability.