Bla Station Швеция Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Bla Station: Big News 2022, стр 3 с 29

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RUT | Borselius & Bernstrand | 2O22
Meet RUT, a square sofa system. Each module is 75 x 75 centimeters. Causal and inviting.
Or sober and formal. Rut seems like a well-known acquaintance but is a brand new companion.
Opt for a laid-back space in one direction: perfect for reading a book, surfing the net, watching
a movie, chatting with friends. Bernstrand and Borselius latest modular sofa for Blå Station offer
elegant contrast between soft, comfortable and generous seating modules, and a sturdy exposed
linear basement made of a steel H-beam resting on two, or more, solid oak supports. Assemble
as many squares as needed. Turn them to the right, to the left, or all way around to offer different
seating possibilities: affix with two bolts.