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Каталог Bla Station: Big News 2022, стр 21 с 29

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PLYBORD | Johan Lindau | 2O21
Sit on it, sit around it, or create a little cityscape at home or in any kind of public setting. Plybord
is that missing furniture piece that is always needed. If it is a seat, a stool, or a table doesn’t
matter; it is there to be used. Easy to move around, and perfect as a plaything for kids and
adults. And left alone it stands out in own right: mimetic boxes that makes one think of cities not
yet visited, of cases to pack, of secrets hidden away. Johan Lindau got smitten by the challenge
to turn well-tempered pine plywood into objects of desire. He experimented with different kinds of
miter and joint and achieved a seamless expression without adding an internal support structure.
A pigmented dye highlights the wood grain that give Plybord a dynamic and vibrant expression.