Le pellicole per uso esterno si prestano per foderare i rivestimenti dei blindati esposti parzialmente agli agenti atmosferici.
Il connubio tra MDF idrorepellente e pellicole in PVC permette di creare un prodotto stabile e duraturo nel tempo, capace
di assorbire le radiazioni ultraviolette per oltre il 95% e adatto ad ambienti esterni. /
Films for outdoor use are suitable for lining the panels of the armoured doors partially exposed to atmospheric agents.
The combination of water-repellent MDF and PVC films allows to create a stable and long-lasting product, capable
of absorbing over 95% of ultraviolet radiation and suitable for outdoor environments.
Renolit Crystal
White Ash P9294
Renolit White
9152 VIf
White 9152
Renolit Cream
Renolit Claystone
Renolit Light
Grey 7251
Renolit Signal Grey
7004 Smooth 2
Renolit Grey 7155
Renolit Moondance
C-31 N Smooth
Renolit Trompet
C-32 N Smooth
Renolit Quartz Grey
7039 Smooth 2
Renolit Quartz
Grey 7039
Renolit Basalt Grey
7012 Smooth 2
Renolit Basalt
Grey 7012
Renolit Slate
Grey 7015
Renolit Gale
Grey Finesse 49122
Renolit Anthracit
Grey 7016 Smooth 2
Renolit Anthracite
Grey 7016 VIf
Renolit Anthracite
Grey 7016
Renolit Black Grey
7021 Smooth 2
Renolit Black
Smooth 2
Renolit Black VIf
Renolit Black
Renolit Brown 8972
Renolit Cream
Whte 1379 VIf