Beltá & Frajumar is committed with a
sustainable and quality growth. Pu-
tting a value on the local and social
economy of the company’s neigh-
borhood. Endorsed by Bureau Veritas
certifications in quality ISO 9001 and
environment ISO14001,
The company manufacture long-las-
ting products that help the responsi-
ble use of natural resources. Working
only with wood from managed forests
to meet the social, economic and en-
vironmentally responsible needs of
future generations.
Furthermore, a part of our resources
are assigned to projects with social
purposes due to our corporate social
responsibility, CSR. Collaborating with
sports activities. Supporting labour
integration of people with intellectual
disability. Helping in the education of
the youngest students of schools and
institutes of the area. Creating INTER-
CIDEC International Design Contest of
Contract Environments.
In a nutshell, the company is going
through changes. The experience and
the track record show that it is neces-
sary to analyse the past, in order to act
in the present and know how to read
the future.
Beltá & Frajumar está comprometida
con un crecimiento sostenible y de ca-
lidad. Poniendo en valor la economía
local y social del entorno de la em-
presa. Avalada por las certificacio-
nes de Bureau Veritas en calidad ISO
9001 y medio ambiente ISO14001.
La empresa fabrica productos de larga
duración que ayudan al uso responsa-
ble de los recursos naturales. Traba-
jando únicamente con madera de
bosques gestionados para cumplir
las necesidades sociales, económi-
cas y ambientalmente responsables
de generaciones futuras.
Parte de los recursos se destinan a
proyectos con fines sociales en lo re-
ferente a su política de responsabili-
dad social corporativa, RSC. Colabo-
rando en las actividades deportivas.
Apoyando la integración laboral de
personas con discapacidad intelec-
tual. Creando INTERCIDEC Concurso
Internacional de Diseño de Entornos
En conclusión, la compañía está vi-
viendo una transformación. La expe-
riencia y la trayectoria enseña que es
necesario analizar todo lo sucedido
para actuar en el presente y saber in-
terpretar el futuro.