All products are manufactured, checked and tested according to current international standards.
All lighting products come with a certificate of authenticity attached. The colours of glass parts may vary slightly
in shade because of the complex artisan techniques used to make them. In order to ensure the continuous im-
provement of its products. BEBY ITALY srl reserves the right to modify components without notice.
BEBY ITALY srl reserves the right to modify specifications and designs and to eliminate models from its range
without prior notice and without any further obligations.
Reproduction of this catalogue in part or in whole, in any way and by any means whatsoever is strictly forbidden
without the prior authorisation of BEBY ITALY srl.
Via Mussa 16, Z.I. 31075 Piombino Dese - PADOVA
Tel. +39 049 9366922 Fax +39 049 9366922 - mail:
Printed May 2015