baker classics | 259
baker classics
baker classics (The milling roaD collecTion)
| resTauraTion chair
a smaller exposed wood lounge chair. Tight back and a loose
seat. gracefully shaped back and arms. saber legs.
The french restauration refers to the removal of napoleon
and the return of bourbon kings. The resulting designs
were simpler and more classically leaning. While certainly a
handsome wood banded chair, this is an example of being
fashionable rather than fashion itself. it works with the way
we live — whether as a lounge, conversation, occasional or
office chair.
311-30-9 w 30" d 31" h 38" sh 191⁄2" ah 26" inw 22" ind 21"
w 76 d 79 h 97 sh 50 ah 66 inw 56 ind 53 cm
baker classics (The milling roaD collecTion)
| oVal back lounge chair
a french modern chair with a wood banded frame. Tight
back. loose seat. Wood panel back with an oval cutout.
Tapered legs.
among the most published of baker upholstery designs,
this chair is fashionable without catering to any one look or
master. While inspired by a french modern design, the nature
of the chair is to celebrate the fabric — whether one, two or
three fabrics. The exposed, wood-framed oval in the back is
more whimsical than daring, more classic than modern.
775-30-9 w 30" d 36" h 33" sh 19" ah 231⁄2" inw 22" ind 25"
w 76 d 91 h 84 sh 48 ah 60 inw 56 ind 64 cm
w 29" d 22" h 17"
w 74 d 56 h 43 cm
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