204 | baker UpholsTery 2010/2011
b a k e r f U r N i T U r e .c o m
page 260
baker classics
| TUxedo arm sofa
loose back and seat. Tuxedo arm. Waterfall skirt.
With special emphasis on access, this sofa develops an entirely new
sweet spot for the balance between depth, height and cushion.
The result is a sofa that not only receives but releases the user. The
waterfall skirt freshens the look, breaking in perfect unison with the
back and seat. a baker look for connoisseurs of any age.
6597S w 871⁄2" d 34" h 37" sh 201⁄2" ah 30" inw 72" ind 191⁄2"
w 222 d 86 h 94 sh 52 ah 76 inw 183 ind 50 cm
6597O ottoman
w 28" d 23" h 201⁄2"
w 71 d 58 h 52 cm
related StyleS
page 241
baker classics
| laWsoN arm sofa
loose back and seat. lawson arms. high kick pleat flounce.
With special emphasis on access, this sofa develops an entirely new
sweet spot for the balance between depth, height and cushion. The
result is a sofa that not only receives but releases the user. The high
kick pleat flounce freshens the look, breaking in perfect unison with
the back and seat. a baker look for connoisseurs of any age.
6596S w 85" d 381⁄2" h 34" sh 201⁄2" ah 27" inw 711⁄2" ind 191⁄2"
w 216 d 98 h 86 sh 52 ah 69 inw 182 ind 50 cm
6596O ottoman
w 28" d 23" h 201⁄2"
w 71 d 58 h 52 cm
related StyleS