Solar Tree
Solar Tree has been designed to work in HYBRID
configuration. The batteries can ensure an autono-
mous working at full charge for a period of 7-10
days (with an “Energy-saving” working cycle which
is described below). Moreover, in case of discharged
batteries, the fixture is connected to the mains,
which supplies it with energy (by means of a suitable
DC ballast connected to the mains). In this way
it can ensure a continuous working even with persis-
tent bad weather and/or reduced insulation or 100%
use of the light performances or, anyway, in case
of negative energy balance.
Ein = � Ppeak power • hequivalent • �system • �noct • �tilt angle
Ppeak power = Maximum power input
hequivalen = Average received solar radiation in hours
= System conversion efficiency
= Nominal operating temperature
�tilt angl = Exposure factor
LED light sources light up in the twilight (recognized
according to the hours of dawn and sunset which
have been set in the management program
or according to other modes) and they remain lit up
until dawn according to the working duty-cycle set.
In case of “HYBRID” fixtures, the system uses
the energy coming from the batteries until they
reach the minimum charge limit, then the system
is connected to the mains automatically.
In case of light fixtures with this configuration,
if the connection to the mains takes place at the
same time when the public lighting, which the
Solar tree fixtures refer to, lights up, it is possible
to set them so as that the moment of the mains
connection is recognized as start for the Solar tree work-
ing, and vice-versa in case of mains cut-off.
The light fitting configuration includes an analysis of
the potential incoming energy (geographical location
of the light fitting) and a detailed analysis of the
physical location of the light fitting (proximity of
buildings or trees). Lastly, an analysis of the level of
requested service and performance will be imple-
mented (luminance levels, operation hours, potential
discontinuity in the service, if any).
Technical data
Total number of heads with solar panels: 10
Number of heads with LEDs: 4
Installed power for each light head:
about 23.1 W at 350mA (base current drive),
max current drive 500mA.
20 power LEDs for each head in neutral
light tonality 4300K.
Maximum luminous flux for each head:
minimum 1250 Lm.
Solar panel voltage in open circuit: about 10 V.
Peak power for each panel: about 63 W.
Total number of “stems”: 10.
LED power for each “stem”:
about 1 W with a power supply of 350mA.
2 Batteries
Battery voltage: 12 V
Single battery capacity: 240 Ah
Box with USB connection for diagnostics/
setting/servicing access.
Technical features of the light fixture in compliance
with EN60598-1.
IP Rating IP65.
Insulation class II.