228 / designcollection
229 / designcollection
Ben Ben/sofa
composition B 3
Infinity/small table
Arcolor/small table
Ripartendo dal modello Bengodi, disegnato nel 1974,
Cini Boeri fu scelta da arflex per creare un sistema
di sedute composto da elementi curvilinei, sicuri che
sarebbe stato gradito, oggi come allora. Il divano Ben
Ben si adatta perfettamente ad ambienti home e contract.
Starting again from the model Bengodi, designed in 1974,
Cini Boeri was chosen by arflex for creating a seating system
composed of curved elements, sure that it would have been
appreciated, today as well as then. Ben Ben sofa can be
perfectly used both for home and contract environments.
Ben Ben
by Cini Boeri