Light fitting made of die-cast aluminium.
Die-cast aluminium control gear box.
Double layer polyester powder paint resistant to corrosion, atmosheric conditions and salt spray fog.
UV rays stabilized thermoplastic shatterproof antiyellowing, 850°C glow wire test resistant, V0 selfextinguishing, high-vacuum metalized reflector for high efficiency and directional control of the
light beam.
Per RGB versions: Lenses are manufacturied with optical grade.
PMMA with high UV and temperature resistance.
Transparent, anti-yellowing UV-rays stabilized, shatterproof polycarbonate diffuser. 850°C glow wire test resistant, V0 selfextinguishing.
Silicone rubber gaskets.
Stainless steel external screws.
Nominal LED efficacy greater than 124 lumen/Watt (4000K - 500mA - CRI > 70 - Tj=85°C).
LED life time > 50000h with L70.
High colour consistency: < 3 SDCM.
Driver protected against voltage surges up to 4 kV.
Il complies with the EN 60598-1 and EN 60598-2-2 Standards.