S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
W e h e l p t h e p l a n e t
The United Nations Organisation, within the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development, set a series of objectives that constitute the
shared roadmap for peace and prosperity for people and the planet.
Everyone can participate in achieving these goals by making their own
Among the seventeen objectives, we have selected
three on which we will focus our efforts:
G o a l N ° 7
The development and promotion of efficient luminaires
and intelligent control systems significantly contributes
to the reduction of energy consumption.
G o a l N ° 1 1
Urban lighting, in addition to fulfilling its main function
of making cities safe at night (also by means of IoT
devices) represents the backbone of future value-added
services of Smart Cities: connectivity, interaction,
G o a l N ° 1 2
Products should no longer be conceived and developed
as disposable objects: they have to be designed and
manufactured in a circular use-repair-recycle approach.
Particular attention is therefore paid to the choice of