Arcluce Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Arcluce: Exterior 2020, стр 435 с 436

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ARCLUCE propone una vasta gamma di articoli illuminotecnici per interni ed esterni che si qualifica
per estensione, versatilità e design.
Dalla fase progettuale al processo produttivo tutto è accuratamente controllato all’interno dell’azienda
perché si realizzi l’obiettivo prioritario: ideare seguendo parametri di alta tecnologia e design per dar
vita a prodotti di qualità conformi ai diversi contesti e in sintonia con le tendenze più attuali. A
consentirne la realizzazione è il costante impegno nella ricerca che procede in linea con le richieste
del mercato e nel rispetto delle direttive comunitarie.
La cura posta nelle varie fasi di realizzazione del prodotto, da sempre in direzione di una politica della
qualità, trova inoltre espressione nella certificazione UNI EN ISO 9001.
Tutto questo si è reso possibile grazie al progressivo potenziamento dei processi produttivi che fanno
di ARCLUCE un’azienda dinamica e in costante crescita, in grado di offrire una gamma sempre più
completa di soluzioni illuminotecniche.
Lavorare in funzione del mercato significa, infatti, estendere i confini aziendali per creare capillari
relazioni commerciali e dare senso concreto alle partnership internazionali.
Ogni prodotto nasce da un’idea, ma l’idea si concretizza solo se diventa progetto. Ecco perché la
ricerca è la premessa necessaria ad ogni ulteriore elaborazione in direzione della realizzazione del
prodotto. Progettare significa soddisfare le esigenze dell’utente, ma anche lavorare seguendo
parametri di alta professionalità, design e tecnologia. Per questo in ARCLUCE la creatività,
presupposto per la nascita di ogni nuovo progetto, è costantemente abbinata all’utilizzo di supporti
ARCLUCE offers an extremely wide range of indoor and outdoor light fittings featuring excellent
versatility and top-quality design.
From the design stage through the production process, everything is controlled within the company
with the utmost care to achieve the chief objective: conceiving quality products applying high-tech
and design parameters to ensure they are suitable for different contexts and in line with current
trends. This objective is achieved through constant commitment to research, which is carried out in
relation to market requirements and in full compliance with the European directives.
The great care devoted to all conception and production stages, which has always aimed at
implementing an effective quality policy, is also embodied by the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification.
All this is possible thanks to the gradual improvement and development of production processes
which make ARCLUCE a constantly-growing dynamic company, able to offer an increasingly wide
range of lighting solutions.
Being market-driven means going beyond the company’s “borders” to establish far-reaching
commercial relations and develop solid international partnerships.
Every product is the outcome of an idea, but ideas become real only when they are turned into
projects. This is why research is a pre-requisite for further developments and activities towards
product manufacturing. Designing means meeting customer needs, but also working applying great
professionalism, top-quality design and state-of-the-art technologies. In ARCLUCE creativity, which is
the real trigger in the creation of every new project, is constantly combined with the use of it
Arcluce S.p.A.
opera con Sistema di Qualità
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
Certificato CISQ/CSQ
n. 9105.ARCL.
Arcluce S.p.A.
is UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
Quality System Certified.
Cod. 9980101.00 I-ENG
Arcluce S.p.A.
Via 1° Maggio, 6 - 20070 San Zenone al Lambro (Milano) Italy
Tel. +39 02 9810981 - Fax +39 02 98264062 -
ARCLUCE offers an extremely wide range of indoor and outdoor light fittings featuring excellent versatility
and top-quality design. From the design stage through the production process, everything is controlled within the
company with the utmost care to achieve the chief objective: conceiving quality products applying high-tech and
design parameters to ensure they are suitable for different contexts and in line with current trends. This objective
is achieved through constant commitment to research, which is carried out in relation to market requirements
and in full compliance with the European directives.
The great care devoted to all conception and production stages, which has always aimed at implementing an
effective quality policy, is also embodied by the UNI EN ISO 9001 Certification.
All this is possible thanks to the gradual improvement and development of production processes which make
ARCLUCE a constantly-growing dynamic company, able to offer an increasingly wide range of lighting solutions.
Being market-driven means going beyond the company’s “borders” to establish far-reaching commercial relations
and develop solid international partnerships.
Every product is the outcome of an idea, but ideas become real only when they are turned into projects.
This is why research is a pre-requisite for further developments and activities towards product manufacturing.
Designing means meeting customer needs, but also working applying great professionalism, top-quality design
and state-of-the-art technologies. In ARCLUCE creativity, which is the real trigger in the creation of every new
project, is constantly combined with the use of it equipment.
Arcluce S.p.A.
is UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015
Quality System Certified.