scadenza comporterà il nostro diritto all’addebito di interessi
al tasso bancario vigente e ci autorizzerà a far sospendere le
consegne della merce, ancorché fatturata, e a risolvere, in tutto
o in parte, il contratto. La merce consegnata rimane di nostra
proprietà sino al pagamento totale da parte del Cliente, con
la facoltà anche di ritirarla se non venisse effettuato il saldo
totale. Nel caso si verificassero della variazioni nella capacità
fisica, finanziaria, tecnica o di qualsiasi altro genere nel Cliente
o venissero constatate delle inadempienze, sarà nostra facoltà
far sospendere le consegne.
• Eventuali vizi o difetti delle merci consegnate, devono essere
segnalati per iscritto da parte del Cliente, a mezzo lettera rac-
comandata, entro otto giorni dal loro ricevimento. Previo ac-
certamento dell’esistenza di vizi o difetti dei prodotti o loro par-
ti, ci riserviamo di sostituirli in garanzia. Eventuali danni causati
dal trasporto dovranno essere immediatamente contestati al
vettore. Per i prodotti di commercializzazione assistiti da loro
propri certificati di garanzia, questi ultimi dovranno essere fatti
valere nei confronti dei relativi costruttori. Si declina ogni re-
sponsabilità in ordine al montaggio dei prodotti.
Ci riserviamo la facoltà di modificare le caratteristiche tecniche
e costruttive dei prodotti, a nostro insindacabile giudizio e sen-
za preavviso.
Non garantiamo l’uniformità di venature e colori dei vari tipi di
legno, nell’abbinamento tra diversi elementi. I campioni di le-
gni, sono soltanto indicativi e possono subire delle variazioni di
tnta col passare del tempo. Eventuali lievi movimenti del legno,
sono da intendersi come caratteristica del mobile in legno.
La realizzazione di mobili particolari o fuori misura, nonché l’ef-
fettuazione di lavorazioni speciali sono subordinate alla nostra
preventiva accettazione concordata e/o scritta.
Eventuali richieste del Cliente, di modificare ordini già trasmes-
si, potranno essere accettate solo se pervenute entro sette
giorni dal ricevimento dell’ordine cui si riferiscono.
Non si accetta restituzioni di merce, se non espressamente au-
torizzati da noi per iscritto. La loro valutazione verrà determi-
nata presso la nostra Sede dopo averne presa visione.
• Per ogni controversia sarà esclusivamente competente il Foro
di Treviso, ferma la facoltà, per la sola azienda AltaCorte S.R.L.,
di adire ogni altro Foro competente secondo la legge proces-
suale. Non comportano deroghe al Foro competente i paga-
menti effettuati mediante ricevute bancarie, tratte, cambiali,
assegni e/o in altre forme.
• I prezzi del presente listino sono tutti esclusi IVA.
• Minimo d’ordine ai fini della spedizione: 500,00 Euro netti.
Per ordini di importi inferiori, verrà addebitato un costo fisso
pari ad € 60,00 come contributo alle spese di gestione e spedi-
zione dell’ordine.
• All the images of our products, either printed on paper or
published on our website, as well as our logo
, are the
exclusive property of the AltaCorte S.R.L. company Therefore,
before using this material to advertise or promote our products
for any reason, written authorisation must be given by the sales
management of the AltaCorte S.R.L. company. The company shall
be entitled to protect its business interests at the designated
Courts of Law should such images or logo be used without its
written authorisation.
• These conditions of sale are valid until formally annulled and
govern all the supplies we, the AltaCorte S.R.L. company, shall
make to fulfil orders and agreements barring derogations that
must be provided for in a written document. No verbal agreement
or promises made by anyone in derogation of these conditions of
sales shall be acknowledged by our company.
• All orders and agreements shall be considered as implemented
upon our written or verbal confirmation or when an invoice is
issued and/or a delivery is made. The finalisation of agreements
is subject to the full acceptance of all these general conditions of
• Supplies shall be made at the prices indicated in the price
list in force when the agreements are finalised. Prices are
intended delivered duty paid to destination and do not include
unmentioned fees and services such as: duties, taxes, interests,
expenses and fees for unloading, assembly or other services (for
special or custom-sized furniture and so on).
• Deliveries shall be made in compliance with the availability
of supplies or transport. Delivery terms are purely indicative.
Our company is not obliged to pay indemnities of any kind for
any damage caused by delays, interruptions or total or partial
stoppage of deliveries. This is also valid for delays, interruptions
or stoppages due to causes that may modify the supply and
distribution process such as: work interruptions, industrial action,
delays caused by suppliers, black outs, transport stoppage, etc.
• Even if solid DDP, goods still travel at the Customer’s risk and
peril. Returned packaging shall not be accepted.
• Unless other written agreements have been made, payment is
intended net in cash at our domicile against receipt of invoice.
The Client shall never be entitled to stop payments or delay them
beyond the agreed due date. Lack of, or a delay in, the payment
of even one instalment only shall result in the annulment of all
the terms agreed and shall make the entire credit immediately
payable plus interest on arrears. No matter the type of payment
agreed the Client shall bear all expenses and fees including the
risks of theft and/or loss of papers during transmission by post
and/or through the bank. Bills are accepted by us subject to
collection and do not constitute credit novation.
• Supplies shall be stopped if the Client does not abide by these
general conditions of sale or does not follow the instructions
given in the orders or the agreements finalised. Moreover,
overdue payments shall entitle our company to charge interest at
the bank rate in force and shall authorise us to stop deliveries of
goods, even if invoiced, and to rescind all or part of the contract.
Delivered goods remain our property until they have been paid
for in full by the Client; we shall also be entitled to take goods back
unless full settlement is paid. Deliveries may also be suspended in
the event of variations in the Client’s physical, financial, technical
or of any other kind of ability or in the event of non-fulfilment of
these general conditions of sale.
• Any vices or defects in the goods delivered must be
communicated by the Customer by registered letter within eight
days from receiving the goods. After having ascertained the
vices or defects concerning the products or their parts we shall
replace them under guarantee. Any damage caused by transport
must be reported to the carrier immediately. For products not
manufactured by our company and sold with their own certificate
of guarantee, any claims must be made to their suppliers. We
decline any responsibility regarding installation of products.
We are entitled to modify the technical and constructive features
of our products at our unquestionable discretion and without
giving prior notice.
We cannot guarantee uniformity of grain and colour of the various
wood species and of the different units supplied. Wood samples
are purely indicative and may be subject to variations in shade as
time goes by. Any slight adjustments made by the wood must be
intended as typical features of wooden furniture.
Special or custom-sized furniture or special modifications shall be
available subject to our prior and/or written acceptance.
Any modifications requested by the Customer to orders
transmitted to our company may be accepted only if received no
later than seven days after receipt of the order they refer to.
Returned goods shall not be accepted unless expressly
authorised by us in writing. Their value shall be estimated by us
on our company’s premises after having examined them.
• Any disputes shall be settled exclusively by the Court of Law of
Treviso although the AltaCorte S.R.L. company shall be exclusively
entitle to choose a different Court of Jurisdiction in accordance
with the law of procedure. Payments made by cash orders, bank
drafts, bills of exchange, cheques and/or in any other form shall
not modify the Court of Jurisdiction.
• The prices in this price list do not include VAT.
• Minimum amount to deliver orders free of charge: 500 Euro
net. For orders amounting to less, a fixed sum of 60 Euro will be
charged to contribute to order management and delivery fees.