Alivar Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Alivar: Work Book, стр 41 с 179

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divano con struttura in legno ricoperta
in gomma poliuretanica e fodera in fibra di
poliestere. Spalliera e braccioli in metallo
ricoperti in poliuretano schiumato a
freddo. cuscini in poliuretano a densità
differenziata e piuma sterilizzata.
Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. piedi in
fusione di alluminio lucido_
Sofa with frame in wood covered in
polyurethane foam and polyester fiber.
back and armrest in steel covered with
cold shaped polyurethane foam. cushions
in polyurethane foam of different density
and sterilized feathers. Fabric or leather
covers. Feet in polished aluminium_
pOlTROnE E diVani _ aRmcHaiRS and SOFaS

ZOna giORnO_liVing ROOm