Alivar Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Alivar: Work Book, стр 16 с 179

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compIsIzIonI_ combInAtIons
3 x art. a 192
1 x art. a 176
1 x art. D192
1 x art. HF1
Composizione_Combination ”a”

3 x art. a 192
1 x art. C 192
Composizione / Combination ”E”
2 x art. V 144
2 x art. C 192
3 x art. a 176
Composizione / Combination ”G”
elemento porta tV/hI-fI con basamento in acciaio laccato alluminio.
television/hI-fI unit with aluminium-painted steel basement.
elemento porta tV/hI-fI con fori posteriori per fissaggio a
parete. basamento semiovale in acciaio laccato alluminio.
television/hI-fI unit with aluminium painted steel basement.
Arranged with holes on the back panel for wall-fixing.
eLemento poRtA tV/hI-fI_ teLeVIsIon/hI-fI unIt
art. HF1
Pannello. unit.
L/W 144
H 160
P/D 14
W 56,7”
H 63”
D 5,5”
Base. Base.
L/W 176
H 4
P/D 65
W 69,3”
H 1,6”
D 25,6”
Mensola. Shelf.
L/W 105
P/D 29,5
W 41,3”
D 11,6”
art. HF2
Pannello. unit.
L/W 144
H 160
P/D 14
W 56,7”
H 63”
D 5,5”
Base. Base.
L/W 105
P/D 42
W 41,3”
D 16,5”
Mensola. Shelf.
L/W 105
P/D 29,5
W 41,3”
D 11,6”
art. HF3
Pannello. unit.
L/W 144
H 160
P/D 14
W 56,7”
H 63”
D 5,5”
Base. Base.
L/W 105
P/D 30
W 41,3”
D 11,8”
Mensola. Shelf.
L/W 105
P/D 29,5
W 41,3”
D 11,6”
30_ 11,8”
elemento porta tV/hI-fI disponibile in rovere o in mdf, laccato lucido
o opaco con fori passacavi. base in alluminio verniciato, con piedini
regolabili. colonnine laterali porta dVd in alluminio. mensola in alluminio
per videoregistratore e decoder. Interruttore centrale per accensione. Luce
fluorescente superiore di servizio.
television/hI-fI unit with an oak veneer or in glossy or matt lacquered mdf.
Arranged with cables raceway. base made of painted aluminium plate with
adjustable feet. Aluminium dVd rack on both sides. shelf in aluminium for
dVd/Video recorder. power switch. fluorescent light.
elemento porta tV/hI-fI con fori passacavi. pannello in mdf laccato lucido,
opaco o in rovere. colonnine laterali porta cd/dVd in alluminio. mobiletto in
legno verniciato alluminio per videoregistratore/decoder. Luce fluorescente
superiore di servizio. non provvisto di gancio per la tV.
television/hI-fI unit with an oak veneer or in glossy or matt lacquered mdf.
Arranged with cables raceway. Aluminium cd/dVd rack on both sides.
shelves in aluminium painted wood for dVd/Video recorder. fluorescent
light. tV bracket not included.
mensoLe_ sheLVes
art. a96
L/W 96
H 5
P/D 30
W 37,8”
H 2”
D 11,8”
art. a144
L/W 144
H 5
P/D 30
W 56,7”
H 2”
D 11,8”
art. a176
L/W 176
H 5
P/D 30
W 69,3”
H 2”
D 11,8”
art. a192
L/W 192
H 5
P/D 30
W 75,6”
H 2”
D 11,8”
mensola con bordo in alluminio verniciato. piano in cristallo satinato temperato spessore 5 mm, luce fluorescente interna.
shelf. edging frame in painted aluminium. satin tempered glass top, 5 mm thick, with inside fluorescent light.
mobile base con fianchi in alluminio verniciato, con piano in cristallo satinato temperato spessore 6 mm.
base unit. sides in painted aluminium. satin tempered glass top, 6 mm thick.
mobILI bAse_ bAse unIts
art. B144
L/W 144
H 28
P/D 65
W 56,7”
H 11”
D 25,6”
art. B192
L/W 192
H 28
P/D 65
W 75,6”
H 11”
D 25,6”
art. B176
L/W 176
H 28
P/D 65
W 69,3”
H 11”
D 25,6”
mobile base con canalina passacavi e fianchi in alluminio verniciato. piano e cassetti in legno disponibili in rovere o mdf laccato.
base unit with painted aluminium sides with cables raceway. wooden top and drawers in oak or in lacquered mdf.
mobILI bAse con cAssettI_ bAse unIts wIth dRAweRs
art. C144
L/W 144
H 28
P/D 65
W 56,7”
H 11”
D 25,6”
art. C192
L/W 192
H 28
P/D 65
W 75,6”
H 11”
D 25,6”
art. C176
L/W 176
H 28
P/D 65
W 69,3”
H 11”
D 25,6”
mobile base con fianchi in alluminio verniciato. piano e cassetti in legno disponibili in rovere o mdf laccato.
base unit with painted aluminium sides. wooden top and drawers in oak or in lacquered mdf.
mobILI bAse con cAssettI_ bAse unIts wIth dRAweRs
art. D144
L/W 144
H 44
P/D 65
W 56,7”
H 17,3” D 25,6”
art. D192
L/W 192
H 44
P/D 65
W 75,6”
H 17,3” D 25,6”
art. D176
L/W 176
H 44
P/D 65
W 69,3”
H 17,3” D 25,6”
consolle pensile con fianchi e piano inferiore in alluminio verniciato. piano superiore e cassetti disponibili in rovere o mdf laccato.
hanging console with painted aluminium sides and lower top. upper top and drawers in oak or in lacquered mdf.
consoLLe pensILI_ hAngIng consoLes
art. E96
L/W 96
H 26
P/D 32
W 37,8”
H 10,2” D 12,6”
art. E144
L/W 144
H 26
P/D 32
W 56,7”
H 10,2” D 12,6”
art. E192
L/W 192
H 26
P/D 32
W 75,6”
H 10,2” D 12,6”
Vetrina pensile con interno in mdf laccato. fianchi in alluminio verniciato. top e anta a ribalta in cristallo.
hanging glass cupboard in lacquered mdf. painted aluminium sides. top and flapping door in glass.
VetRIne pensILI_hAngIng gLAss cupboARds
art. V144
L/W 144
H 40
P/D 32
W 56,7”
H 15,7” D 12,6”
art. V176
L/W 176
H 40
P/D 32
W 69,3”
H 15,7” D 12,6”
FraMe collection / technichal sheets
home pRoJect
sIstemI A pARete / poRtA tV_ wALL unIts / tV/hI-fI unIts

zonA gIoRno_LIVIng Room
max 46”
max 46”
max 46”
art. EtV1 FoLio
L/W 100 H 149 P/D 35
W 39,4” H 58,7” D 13,8”
max 40”