Alivar Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Alivar: Work Book, стр 105 с 179

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design giuseppe bavuso
tavolo con base in acciaio inox lucidato a
specchio. piano ovale disponibile in marmo,
mdF laccato, pietra acrilica o mdF rivestito in
cemento hd light cement colore “French grey”_
table with stainless steel base, polished to a
mirror finish. oval top available in marble,
lacquered mdF, acrylic stone or mdF covered in
hd light cement, “French grey” colour_
disponibile anche con piano rettangolare
allungabile, finitura rovere o mdF laccato_
available also with extendable rectangular
top with finish in oak or in lacquered mdF_
Art. TL 220 O
L/W 220
H 72
P/D 115
W 86,6”
H 28,3” D 45,3”
Art. TL 260 O
L/W 260
H 72
P/D 130
W 102,4”
H 28,3” D 51,2”
Art. TL 210 A
L/W 210/268
H 74
P/D 95
W 82,7”/105,5” H 29,1” D 37,4”
design giuseppe bavuso
tavolo con base in acciaio inox lucidato a
specchio. piano in marmo, in cemento ductal®
colore “French grey” o in mdF rivestito in
cemento hd light cement colore “French grey”_
table with stainless steel base, polished to a
mirror finish. top in marble, in ductal® concrete,
“French grey colour” or in mdF covered in hd
light cement, “French grey” colour_
Art. TS 230
L/W 230
H 72
P/D 106
W 90”
H 28”
D 42”
home project
tavoLi _ tabLes

ZoNa praNZo_diNiNg room