Alivar Италия Срок поставки 80 дней

Каталог Alivar: MVSEVM 2019, стр 52 с 126

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Cat. Sedia ⁄ Chair
Art. 704
Designed by Harry Bertoia (1952)
Art. 704
L ⁄ W 54 H 78 P ⁄ D 52 cm
W 21,2” H 30,7” D 20,5”
Art. 704: Sedia con struttura in tondino di acciaio cromato o laccato e saldato,
cuscino imbottito mobile. ⁄ Art. 704: Chair with frame in welded steel wire,
chrome–plated or painted. Upholstered seat pad.
Bertoia ha lasciato l’Italia a quindici anni. A Detroit ha studiato
scultura e pittura all’Institute of Technology. Nel 1937 è diventato
docente alla Detroit School of Arts and Crafts e alla Cranbrook
Academy of Arts. Negli anni ’40 ha iniziato a cimentarsi con
il disegno di mobili. Egli ha visto la sedia anche come una scultura,
dando una grande importanza ai colori e alle caratteristiche
del metallo. Le sue sedie sono oggi famose in tutto il mondo.
Harry Bertoia
San Lorenzo, Italy
Barto, USA
Bertoia left Italy at the age of 15. He studied sculpture and painting at the
Institute of Technology in Detroit. He became a teacher at the Detroit School
of Arts and Crafts and at the Cranbrook Academy of Arts in 1937. He became
involved in furniture design in the 40’s. He perceived the chair as a sculpture,
giving importance to the intrinsic colours and features of the metal.
His chairs are today renowned the world over.