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Каталог Alivar: Day Collection 2020, стр 253 с 262

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Sidebords Collection
18 cm
Credenza in MDF laccato con quattro cassetti e due ante
laterali. Base e maniglie in alluminio brillantato o verniciato.
Top in pietra acrilica verniciata. Ripiani interni.
Sideboard in lacquered MDF with four drawers and two side
doors. Base and handles in polished or painted aluminum.
Top in painted acrylic stone. Inner shelves.
Art. CSD1
L/W 220 H 75
P/D 50
W 86,6” H 29,5” D 19,7”
20 cm
/ 7,9"
Credenza in MDF laccato. Base e maniglie in alluminio
brillantato o verniciato. Vano interno attrezzato con specchio,
ripiani e 3 cassetti in rovere termotrattato o noce. Top in
pietra acrilica verniciata. Luce interna su richiesta.
Sideboard in lacquered MDF. Base and handles in polished or
painted aluminum. Inside compartment equipped with mirror,
shelves and 3 drawers in heat-treated oak or walnut. Top in
painted acrylic stone. Led lighting on demand.
Side Up
Art. CSD2
L/W 110
H 130
P/D 50
W 43,3”
H 51,2” D 19,7”
20 cm
/ 7,9"
Base in massello di rovere o noce verniciato con
telaio interno in acciaio. Struttura in legno rivestita in
gomma poliuretanica e trapunta in piuma sterilizzata.
Cuscini in gomma poliuretanica e trapunta in piuma
sterilizzata con uno strato di schiuma Memory.
Rivestimento in tessuto o in pelle.
Base in massive oak or in painted walnut with inner
steel frame. Wooden frame with polyurethane foam
upholstery and sterilized feathers quilt.
Cushions in polyurethane foam and sterilized
feathers quilt with a layer of Memory foam.
Fabric or leather covers.
Art. DSW 280
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 100 H 64
P/D 100
W 39,4” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Divano / Sofa
Dormeuse predisposto per tavolino / Chaise longue arranged for side table
Dormeuse / Chaise longue with ottoman
Poltrona / Armchair
Gamba in fusione di alluminio
verniciato cromato, nickel nero o
verniciato “champagne”. Piano in rovere
termotrattato a spicchi, noce di colore
a spicchi, MDF laccato lucido o opaco o
in marmo.
Legs in painted or in chrome-plated die-
cast aluminium, black nickel or painted
“champagne” tone. Top in heat-treated
oak in segments, walnut -noce di
colore- in segments, in glossy or matt
lacquered MDF or in marble.
Art. TSR110
Ø 110 H 31,5
Ø 43,3” H 12,4”
Art. TSR100
Ø 100 H 31,5
Ø 43,3” H 12,4”
Struttura in noce di colore o rovere
termotrattato. Ante e top in cuoio.
Vano interno attrezzato con specchio,
ripiani, 3 cassetti e 2 cassettini in cuoio.
Frame in walnut -noce di colore- or in
heat-treated oak. Doors and top in hide.
Inside compartment equipped with
mirror, shelves, 3 drawers and 2 little
drawers in hide.
Poltroncina. Struttura in legno rivestita
in gomma poliuretanica e fibra.
Seduta in gomma poliuretanica e fibra
con uno strato di schiuma Memory.
Piedi in acciaio cromato, verniciato, inox
finitura Peltrox o in rovere verniciato.
Cuciture tono su tono; cuciture a
contrasto su richiesta.

Armchair. Wooden frame with
polyurethane foam and fiber upholstery.
Seat in polyurethane foam and fiber
with a layer of Memory foam. Feet
in chrome-plated or painted steel,
in stainless steel, Peltrox finish or in
painted oak. Sewing in the same colour
tone; contrasting thread by request.
Art. MTT138
L/W 138,2 H 150,7 P/D 46
W 54,4”
H 59,3” D 18,1”
Art. PCR2
L/W 73 H 80
P/D 80
W 28,7” H 31,5” D 31,5”
Basamento metallo.
Metal base.
Gambe in fusione di alluminio
verniciato, cromato o nickel nero.
Struttura in acciaio rivestita in schiuma
di poliuretano flessibile a freddo, classe
1M, con fodera in fibra di poliestere.
Cuscino seduta in gomma e Dacron.
Rivestimento in pelle o tessuto.
Legs in painted or in chrome-plated
die-cast aluminium or black nickel.
Steel frame upholstered in cold shaped
polyurethane foam, class 1M, with
polyester fiber lining. Seat cushion
in foam and Dacron. Leather or
fabric covers.
Base girevole in acciaio
laccato o cromato.
Swivel base in painted or
chrome-plated steel.
Art. PDN1
L/W 60 H 79,3 P/D 59,6
W 23,6” H 31,2” D 23,5”
Basamento legno.
Wooden base.
Art. PCR2L
L/W 73 H 80
P/D 80
W 28,7” H 31,5” D 31,5”
Art. PDN2
L/W 60 H 79,3 P/D 59,6
W 23,6” H 31,2” D 23,5”
Base in massello di rovere finitura
termotrattato o verniciato o in massello
di legno rivestito in pelle. Testata in
legno imbottita in gomma poliuretanica
e fodera in fibra di poliestere.
Rivestimento in pelle o tessuto
trapuntato. Rete con doghe di faggio.
Base in heat-treated massive oak,
stained or in massive wood covered
in leather. Headboard made of wood
upholstered with polyurethane foam
and polyester fiber lining.
Quilted cover in leather or fabric.
Beechwood bed slats.
Art. LBH1S
L/W 181 H 106
P/D 223
W 71,3” H 41,7” D 87,8”
materasso L/W 160 P/D 200
mattress W 63”
D 78,7”
Chest of drawers.
Bedside table.
Bedside table.
High chest of drawers.
Settimanale con accessori make-up e specchio.
High chest of drawers equipped with
mirror and make-up accessories.
Art. LBH1Q
L/W 171
H 106
P/D 226
W 67,3”
H 41,7”
D 89”
materasso L/W 150 P/D 203
mattress W 59”
D 79,9”
Art. LBH1K
L/W 214
H 106
P/D 226
W 84,2”
H 41,7” D 89”
materasso L/W 193 P/D 203
mattress W 76”
D 79,9”
Art. LBH1E
L/W 201
H 106
P/D 223
W 79,1”
H 41,7” D 87,8”
materasso L/W 180 P/D 200
mattress W 70,9” D 78,7”
Struttura in rovere termotrattato o in
noce di colore rivestito in cuoio.
Piano in cuoio o in marmo.
Frame in heat-treated oak or in walnut
-noce di colore- covered in hide.
Top in hide or in marble.
Art. SKN4
L/W 65 H 36,5 P/D 43
W 25,6” H 14,4” D 16,9”
Art. SKN3
L/W 45 H 48
P/D 43
W 17,7” H 18,9” D 16,9”
Art. SKN1
L/W 150 H 68,5 P/D 50,5
W 59”
H 27” D 19,9”
Art. SKN2
L/W 58 H 126 P/D 50,5
W 22,8” H 49,6” D 19,9”
Art. SKN2A
L/W 58 H 126 P/D 50,5
W 22,8” H 49,6” D 19,9”
Art. TSR45
Ø 45
H 48,5
Ø 17,7” H 19,1”
Art. TSR55
Ø 55
H 38,5
Ø 21,6” H 15,1”
Art. TSR70
Ø 70
H 38,5
Ø 27,5” H 15,1”
30,9 / 12,2”
Art. DSWD260T
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Piano / Top - Art. TSW80
Art. DSWD280T
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Piano / Top - Art. TSW100
Art. DSWD260
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWD280
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWA260
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Art. DSWA280 DX /SX
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWA280T
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Piano / Top - Art. TSW100
Art. DSWA260T
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Piano / Top - Art. TSW80
Art. DSWA200
L/W 200 H 64
P/D 100
W 78,7” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Art. DSWA220
L/W 220 H 64
P/D 100
W 86,6” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 180 H 64
P/D 100
W 70,9” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Elementi dormeuse DX-SX / Left or right chaise longue
Elementi con tavolino da 80 DX-SX / Left or right element with side table cm 80
Elementi ad angolo DX-SX / Left or right corner element
Elementi ad angolo con pouff DX-SX / Left or right corner element with ottoman
Dormeuse / Chaise longue
Piano / Top
Pouff / Ottoman
Tavolino di servizio / Service side table
Elementi ad angolo predisposto per tavolino DX-SX / Left or right corner element arranged for side table
Elementi con tavolino da 100 DX-SX / Left or right element with side table cm 100
L/W 220 H 64
P/D 100
W 86,6” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 100 H 64
P/D 100
W 39,4” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWA280P
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWA260P
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 180 H 40
P/D 85
W 70,9” H 15,7”
D 33,5”
Art. TSW80
L/W 80
P/D 100
W 31,5” D 39,4”
Art. TSW100
L/W 100 P/D 100
W 39,4” D 39,4”
Art. PSW 100
L/W 100 H 40
P/D 100
W 39,4” H 15,7”
D 39,4”
Art. TWS70
L/W 70
P/D 35
W 27,5” D 13,8”
Art. TWS90
L/W 90
P/D 35
W 35,4” D 13,8”
L/W 100 H 64
P/D 100
W 39,4” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Elementi terminali DX-SX / Left or right ending elements
L/W 160 H 64
P/D 100
W 63”
H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 200 H 64
P/D 100
W 78,7” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 240 H 64
P/D 100
W 94,5” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 160 H 64
P/D 100
W 63”
H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 180 H 64
P/D 100
W 70,9” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 200 H 64
P/D 100
W 78,7” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 80
H 64
P/D 100
W 31,5” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 100 H 64
P/D 100
W 39,4” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 120 H 64
P/D 100
W 47,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Elementi centrali / Central elements
Art. DSW200
L/W 200 H 64
P/D 100
W 78,7” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSW220
L/W 220 H 64
P/D 100
W 86,6” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSW240
L/W 240 H 64
P/D 100
W 94,5” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Divano /Sofa
Art. DSW 260
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSW 280
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Elementi terminali DX-SX / Left or right ending elements
Art. DSWT260
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWT280
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWT200
L/W 200 H 64
P/D 100
W 78,7” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Art. DSWT220
L/W 220 H 64
P/D 100
W 86,6” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
Art. DSWT240
L/W 240 H 64
P/D 100
W 94,5” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 160 H 64
P/D 100
W 63”
H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 180 H 64
P/D 100
W 70,9” H 25,2”
D 39,4”
L/W 240 H 64
P/D 100
W 94,5” H 25,2” D 39,4”
L/W 240 H 64
P/D 100
W 94,5” H 25,2” D 39,4”
L/W 260 H 64
P/D 100
W 102,4” H 25,2” D 39,4”
L/W 200 H 64
P/D 100
W 78,7” H 25,2” D 39,4”
L/W 220 H 64
P/D 100
W 86,6” H 25,2” D 39,4”
L/W 280 H 64
P/D 100
W 110,2” H 25,2” D 39,4”
Art. MTT138
L/W 138,2 H 150,7 P/D 46
W 54,4”
H 59,3” D 18,1”
Credenza. Struttura in noce nazionale o rovere termotrattato.
Ante e top in cuoio. Vano interno attrezzato con specchio,
ripiani, 3 cassetti e 2 cassettini in cuoio.
Luce interna su richiesta.
Sideboard. Frame in Italian walnut or in heat-treated oak.
Doors and top in hide. Inside compartment equipped with
mirror, shelves, 3 drawers and 2 little drawers in hide.
Led lighting on demand.
Face to face
T E C H N I C A L S H E E T S | 5 0 3
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LIVING alivar definitivo_ Testi def4agostoindd.indd 502
01/10/20 09:49
01/10/20 09:49
Art. CP1
L/W 235 H 94
P/D 51
W 92,5” H 37”
D 20,1”
Credenza in MDF laccato con ante scorrevoli e quattro
cassettini. Piani in marmo o in “Pietra Serena”.
La Pietra Serena è una pietra arenaria di colore grigio,
tipica dell’architettura toscana.
Sideboard in lacquered MDF with sliding doors and four
little drawers. Tops in marble or in “Pietra Serena” stone.
The Pietra Serena stone is a sandstone of a grey colour,
typical of the Tuscan architecture.
Credenza in MDF laccato con cassetti.
Base in acciaio cromato o verniciato.
Vassoio portabottiglie in alluminio su richiesta.
Sideboard in lacquered MDF with drawers.
Chrome-plated or painted steel base.
Aluminium bottle rack on demand.
18 cm
Art. CE1
L/W 220 H 76
P/D 50
W 86,6” H 29,9” D 19,7”
L/W 147 H 76
P/D 50
W 57,9" H 29,9” D 19,7”
Sideboard in lacquered MDF with four drawers and two side
doors. Base and handles in polished or painted aluminum.
Top in painted acrylic stone. Inner shelves.
Sideboard in lacquered MDF. Base and handles in polished or
painted aluminum. Inside compartment equipped with mirror,
shelves and 3 drawers in heat-treated oak or walnut. Top in
painted acrylic stone. Led lighting on demand.
Sideboard. Frame in Italian walnut or in heat-treated oak.
Doors and top in hide. Inside compartment equipped with
mirror, shelves, 3 drawers and 2 little drawers in hide.
Led lighting on demand.
Art. SFF55
Ø 55 P 5,4
Ø 21,5” D 2,1”
Art. SFF70
Ø 70 P 5,4
Ø 27,6” D 2,1”
Art. SFF90
Ø 90 P 5,4
Ø 35,4” D 2,1”
Face to face
Specchio con cornice in acciaio verniciato.
R etro con illuminazione LED su richiesta e telecomando
opzionale . Un telecomando accende massimo tre specchi.
Mirror with frame in painted steel. On demand, LED lighting
on the back and optional remote control.
One remote control switches max, three mirrors on.
T E C H N I C A L S H E E T S | 5 0 3
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LIVING alivar definitivo_ Testi def4agostoindd.indd 503
LIVING alivar definitivo_ Testi def4agostoindd.indd 503
29/09/20 15:40
29/09/20 15:40