Adriatica Италия Срок поставки 60 дней

Каталог Adriatica: Tablet Night Collection, стр 25 с 71

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Armadio: scorrevole — Frassino Tortora con
specchio Fumè e maniglioni Champagne
Gruppo: Sound — Frassino Tortora e nobilitato Grigio
Letto: Accordo con contenitore — tessuto Jupiter 05
Wardrobe: sliding doors — Dove-grey Ash with Bronzed
mirror and Champagne handles
Nightset: Sound — Dove-grey Ash and Grey melamine
Bed: Accordo with storage unit — fabric Jupiter 05
Variante compositiva con l’anta dell’armadio a specchio
che nell’anta interna può prevedere un televisore integrato
Compositional variant with mirrored wardrobe door
can be equipped with an integrated television in the inner door