A complete collection, designed with inspiration taken from the forms found
in nature and structured around the fairy-tale eight-light chandelier that for-
ges its stylistic character.
The filaments of the cage represent the branches of the willow, softly descen-
ding along the tilted sides of the blown glass.
Una collezione completa, disegnata traendo spunto dalle forme presenti in
natura e strutturata attorno al fiabesco lampadario ad otto luci che ne deter-
mina la cifra stilistica.
I filamenti della gabbia rappresentano i rami del salice, che discendono mor-
bidi i lati inclinati del vetro soffiato.
A complete collection, designed with inspiration taken from the forms found in na-
ture and structured around the fairy-tale eight-light chandelier that forges its stylistic
The filaments of the cage represent the branches of the willow, softly descending
along the tilted sides of the blown glass.
Carlo Nason