Some visions take up space – others
create it. Even the largest product
portfolio cannot always meet a
design’s specific requirements. That
is why we work with you to develop
bespoke lighting solutions precisely
tailored to your project’s architectural
and aesthetic requirements. Depend-
ing on the scale of the project, we
can realise both small adaptations to
existing XAL products or completely
new developments.
Luminaires craft a pleasant ambience
while emphasising each building’s
individual character. XAL offers a
wide selection of different recessed,
surface-mounted, and suspended
luminaires to suit your ideas of form
and colour.
Design variety
INO circle / square
3000 K, 4000 K
TW (Tunable White)
Ideal application area
Lobbies & receptions, restaurants &
bars, coffee shops
white, grey, black, and special colours
surface / suspended
Lighting for hotels and restaurants