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Catalogue Visionnaire: Green Heart Collection 2017, page 55 of 208

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A¨ C o n v e n t i o n - D i v a n o c o m p o n i b i l e
Nr.1 elemento laterale 224x100 H.74 con bracciolo - nr.2 elementi centrali
224x100 H.74 - nr.1 elemento laterale 180x100 H.74 con bracciolo, scocca
in cuoio Kenya 24164/08 cioccolato con bordatura in legno massello tinto
finitura MAS-1, sedute in tessuto Poetry 24269/93 bistro - nr.1 cuscino
schienale 80x40 cm - n.2 cuscini schienale 100x40 cm - nr.1 cuscino
schienale 105x40 cm - n.1 cuscino schienale 120x40 cm, in tessuto Trivor
24249/03. Piedi in acciaio nero. Cuscini volanti 60x60 cm in tessuto Lavino
24266/14 petrolio con inserti in pelle Nabuk 24127/101 ardesia e 60x60 cm
in tessuto Doppler 24252/900 petrolio.
B¨ C o n v e n t i o n - D i v a n o
c m . 2 5 6 x 1 0 0 H .7 4
Divano, rivestimento scocca e schienale in pelle Nabuk Maestrale 24127/408
oliva con bordatura in legno massello tinto finitura MAS-1, seduta in tessuto
Movie 24251/588 portoro, piedi in acciaio nero.
C¨ D a e d r a - P o l t r o n a
c m . 8 9 x 8 4 H . 6 3
Scocca esterna in cuoio Kenya 24164/02 betulla con bordatura in legno
massello tinto MAS-1, cuscini di seduta e schienale in tessuto Doppler
24252/900. Piedi in legno massello tinto MAS-1.
D¨ C o n v e n t i o n - P o u f
c m . 1 5 0 x 8 0 H . 3 8
Pouf rettangolare diviso in 4 parti, 2 triangolari rivestite in tessuto Movie
24251/588 petrolio, 2 trapezoidali in pelle Nabuk Maestrale 24127/408 oliva.
E¨ D o n h i l - Ta v o l i n o
c m . 1 8 0 x 8 0 H . 4 4
Tavolino a ponte, top e fianchi in marmo Noir Saint Laurent, interno laccato
lucido RAL 9005.
F¨ H a v o k - Ta v o l i n o
c m . 5 5 x 3 8 H . 6 1
Struttura portante e sottotop in legno massello tinto MAS-1 rivestita in cuoio
Kenya 24164/10 beige, top in marmo Onice Ivory.
F¨ H a v o k - Ta v o l i n o
c m . 6 5 x 4 5 H . 5 3
Struttura portante e sottotop in legno massello tinto MAS-4 rivestita in cuoio
Kenya 24164/08 cioccolato, top in marmo Noir Saint Laurent.
F¨ H a v o k - Ta v o l i n o
c m . 8 3 x 5 7 H . 4 6
Struttura portante e sottotop in legno massello tinto MAS-1 rivestita in cuoio
Kenya 24164/01 bianco, top in marmo Frappuccino.
G¨ D o n h i l - M o b i l e b a s s o
c m . 3 1 5 x 5 3 / 1 3 3 H . 5 7
Mobile basso in legno laccato nero lucido RAL 9005, bordi in essenza
B.567 erable, ante in cuoio Kenya 24164/10 beige, top penisola in marmo
Blu Stone, piedi in acciaio nickel nero satinato.
H¨ O p h r i s / 1 - Ta p p e t o
c m . 3 5 0 x 2 7 0
I¨ F l o y d - P i a n t a n a
c m . 0 1 4 - 3 5 H .1 6 0 / H .1 8 0
Piantana a stelo cilindrico in vetro soffiato finitura tartaruga, acqua/latte,
acqua/ambra, struttura in acciaio nichel nero satinato. Illuminazione a LED
L¨ M e n h i r - L a m p a d a d a t a v o l o
c m . 0 1 0 H . 6 5 c m
Lampada da tavolo in marmo Travertino romano a poro aperto e marmo
Calacatta oro finitura opaca.
A¨ C o n v e n t i o n - M o d u l a r s o f a
N. 1 lateral element 224x100 H.74 with armrest - n. 2 central elements
224x100 h.74 - n. 1 lateral element 180x100 H.74 cm with armrest, structure
in cuoio leather Kenya 24164/08 cioccolato with perimetral edge in solid
wood stained in MAS-1, seat in fabric Poetry 24269/93 bistro - n.1 back
cushion 80x40 cm - n.2 back cushions 100x40 cm - n.1 back cushion
105x40 cm. - n.1 back cushion 120x40 cm in fabric Trivor 24249/03. Feet in
black lacquered steel. Loose cushions 60x60 cm in fabric Lavino 24266/14
petrolio with inserts in leather Nabuk 24127/101 ardesia and 60x60 cm in
fabric Doppler 24252/900 petrolio.
B¨ C o n v e n t i o n - S o f a
c m . 2 5 6 x 1 0 0 H .7 4
Sofa, structure and backrest upholstered in leather Nabuk Maestrale
24127/408 oliva with perimetral profile in solid wood stained in MAS-1; seat
in fabric Movie 24251/588 portoro, feet in black steel.
D¨ C o n v e n t i o n - P o u f f e
c m . 1 5 0 x 8 0 H . 3 8
Rectangular pouffe divided in 4 parts, 2 triangular parts upholstered in
fabric Movie 24251/588 petrolio, 2 trapezoid-shaped parts in leather
Nabuk Maestrale 24127/408 oliva.
C¨ D a e d r a - A r m c h a i r
c m . 8 9 x 8 4 H . 6 3
External structure in cuoio Kenya 24164/02 betulla with edge in solid wood
stained in MAS-1, seat and back cushions in fabric Doppler 24252/900.
Feet in wood stained in MAS-1.
E¨ D o n h i l - L o w t a b l e
c m . 1 8 0 x 8 0 H . 4 4
Arched table, top and sides in marble Noir Saint Laurent, inside lacquered
in polish RAL 9005.
F¨ H a v o k - L o w t a b l e
c m . 5 5 x 3 8 H . 6 1
Main structure and undertop in solid wood stained in MAS-1 upholstered in
cuoio leather Kenya 24164/10 beige, top in Onyx Ivory marble.
F¨ H a v o k - L o w t a b l e
c m . 6 5 x 4 5 H . 5 3
Main structure and undertop in solid wood stained in MAS-4 upholstered in
cuoio leather Kenya 24168/08 cioccolato, top in marble Noir Saint Laurent
F¨ H a v o k - L o w t a b l e
c m . 8 3 x 5 7 H . 4 6
Main structure and undertop in solid wood stained in MAS-1 upholstered in
cuoio leather Kenya 24164/01 bianco, top in marble Frappuccino.
G¨ D o n h i l - L o w u n i t
c m . 3 1 5 x 5 3 / 1 3 3 H . 5 7
Low cabinet in RAL 9005 shiny lacquered wood, doors in Kenya 24164/10
beige, extention top in Blu Stone marble, feet in satinized black nickel steel.
H¨ O p h r i s / 1 - C a r p e t
c m . 3 5 0 x 2 7 0
I¨ F l o y d - F l o o r l a m p
c m . 0 1 4 - 3 5 H .1 6 0 / H .1 8 0
Floor lamp with cylindrical stem in turtle-patterned, water/milk, water/amber
blown glass, structure in satinized black nickel steel. Dimmable LED lighting
L¨ M e n h i r - Ta b l e l a m p
c m . 0 1 0 H . 6 5
Table lamp in open-pore Roman travertine and mat Calacatta Gold marble.