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Catalogue Visionnaire: Green Heart Collection 2017, page 41 of 208

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A¨ E m o t i o n - L e t t o
c m . 3 6 3 x 2 3 7 H .1 4 0
Testata tappezzata in pelle o tessuto. Struttura in legno B.002 radica
eucalipto, rivestimento in nabuk Maestrale 24127/3403 angora, inserti
in acciaio finitura lacca champagne satinato, interno cassetti laccato RAL
9010 opaco, base sommier e base testata in legno B.002 radica eucalipto,
comodini integrati e nr. 2 vani con ribaltina. Fornito con illuminazione a LED
in tutti i vani. Rete a doghe 180x200 cm, materasso ortopedico 180x200 cm,
cuscini guanciale 80x50 cm in piuma.
Q¨ I s y d o r - C o p r i l e t t o
c m . 2 8 0 x 2 6 0
Copriletto in raso trapuntato 280x260 cm, set lenzuola con 2 federe in
misto lino e cotone con ricami tono su tono. Sul revers logo a ricamo tono
su tono. Cuscini 85x55 cm in cuprum e viscosa. Cuscini volanti 65x30 cm
in misto lino cotone.
B¨ E u c l i d e - L a m p a d a d a t a v o l o
c m . 3 0 x 6 H . 3 0
Lampada da tavolo 30x6 H.30 cm in marmo Calacatta oro con diffusore
interno in onice bianco.
C¨ R a w d o n - M o b i l e b a s s o
c m . 2 5 0 x 5 0 H .7 5
Mobile a 4 cassetti, rivestimento in pelle Cage 24259/01 sabbia, frontali
cassetti in essenza B.002 radica eucalipto, gole perimetrali in specchio
bronzo, cornici frontali in acciaio champagne satinato, interno cassetti RAL
3007 opaco.
D¨ B l o n d i e - P o l t r o n c i n a
c m . 6 5 x 8 0 H . 6 6
Poltroncina, seduta e schienale rivestiti internamente in pelle Nabuk
24127/3405 tartufo ed esternamente in tessuto Gobi 24244/01, filetti in
pelle Nabuk 24127/3405 tartufo, struttura e piedi in essenza B.002 radica
eucalipto, angolari e basi dei piedi in acciaio finitura champagne satinato.
E¨ C y b o r g - Ta v o l i n o
c m . 6 1 x 6 7 H . 4 2
Tavolino a pianta sfalsata, rivestimento laterale sagomato e base in acciaio
champagne satinato, top in essenza B.002 radica eucalipto, logo Visionnaire
in acciaio champagne satinato.
F ¨ B l o n d i e - P a n c a
c m . 1 3 6 x 6 2 H . 3 7
Panca, in tessuto Knokke 24254/03 camoscio con fascia in pelle Konik
24135/6003 sabbia, filetti in pelle Nabuk 24127/3405 tartufo, struttura e
piedi in essenza B.002 radica eucalipto, angolari e basi dei piedi in acciaio
finitura champagne satinato.
G ¨ R a w d o n - M o b i l e t r u c c o
c m . 1 7 0 x 5 5 H .1 1 8
Mobile trucco, rivestimento struttura in pelle Cage 24259/01 sabbia, interni
laccati opachi RAL 3007, inserti frontali a specchio bronzo, bordi frontali e
zoccolo in acciaio champagne satinato. Interno cassetto laccato opaco RAL
3007, sottomano in essenza B.002 radica eucalipto. Specchio con riquadro
sabbiato e retroilluminazione a LED. Schienali laccati opaco RAL 1013.
H¨ Tr a c e y - P o l t r o n c i n a
c m . 6 7 x 6 8 H . 8 9
Poltroncina, in tessuto Movie 24251/598 inchiostro. Cuscino volante 30x30
cm in pelle Malta 24261/09 mercurio.
I ¨ M a r v e l - Ta p p e t o
c m . 3 0 0 x 4 0 0
Placche in metallo finitura lacca oro satinato.
L¨ D a w n s t a r - L a m p a d a r i o
c m . d i a m . 1 0 0 H .1 3 0 c m
Plafoniera in scaglie di alluminio finitura champagne.
N - O¨ S p a r k - S p e c c h i o
c m . 0 4 2 H . 8 8 / c m . 0 6 0 H .1 0 8
Specchio convesso con cornice e supporto a cinghia in maglie in scaglie di
alluminio finitura champagne con perline Swarovski incastonate, borchia di
fissaggio a parete in ottone finitura champagne con logo Visionnaire inciso.
P¨ D a w n s t a r - A p p l i q u e s
c m . 4 5 x 2 5 H .1 1 8
Applique in scaglie di alluminio finitura champagne.
A r t G a l l e r y
SWAN cm. 120x245 - Stampa su plexiglass con lavorazione in vetro pitturato
a mano e cristalli Swarovski.
A¨ E m o t i o n - B e d
c m . 3 6 3 x 2 3 7 H .1 4 0
Headboard upholstered in leather or fabric. Structure in veneer B.002
radica eucalipto, upholstered in Nabuk Maestrale 24127/3403 angora,
inserts in satinized champagne lacquered steel, inside drawers lacquered
in RAL 9010 matt, bedframe base and headboard base in veneer B.002
radica eucalipto, integrated bedside tables and n. 2 storage compartments
with flap door. All the storage compartments are equipped with LED lights.
Wooden slats 180x200 cm, orthopedic mattress 180x200 cm, pillows
80x50 cm in feathers.
Q¨ I s y d o r - B e d c o v e r
c m . 2 8 0 x 2 6 0
Bedcover in satin quilted in 280x260 cm, bed lining set with 2 pillow cases
in cotton and linen, and cotton with embroidery tone on tone. On the lapels,
logo embroidered tone on tone. Pillows 85x55 cm in cuprum and viscose.
Loose cushions 65x30 cm in cotton and linen.
B¨ E u c l i d e - Ta b l e l a m p
c m . 3 0 x 6 H . 3 0
In Calacatta Oro marble with LED backlighted inner part in White onyx.
C¨ R a w d o n - L o w C a b i n e t
cm. 2 5 0 x 5 0 H .7 5
4 drawers unit, upholstered in Cage 24259/01 sand leather, front parts of
drawers in veneered B.002 eucaliptus briar wood, perimetral openings in
bronzed mirror, frontal frames in satinized champagne finishing steel, inner
parts of drawers in matt RAL 3007.
D¨ B l o n d i e - A r m c h a i r
c m . 6 5 x 8 0 H . 6 6
Small armchair, seat and backrest internally upholstered in leather Nabuk
24127/3405 tartufo and externally in fabric Gobi 24244/01, pipings in leather
Nabuk 24127/3405 tartufo, structure and feet in veneered wood B.002
radica eucalipto, corner elements and feet tips in satinized champagne
lacquered steel.
E¨ C y b o r g - L o w t a b l e
c m . 6 1 x 6 7 H . 4 2
Low table with staggered base, lateral shaped upholstery and base in
satinized champagne lacquered steel, top in veneer B.002 radica eucalipto,
Visionnaire logo in satinized champagne lacquered steel.
F¨ B l o n d i e - B e n c h
c m . 1 3 6 x 6 2 H . 3 7
Bench in fabric Knokkw 24254/03 camoscio with perimetral band in
leather Konik 24135/6003 sabbia, pipings in leather Nabuk 24127/3405
tartufo, structure and feet in veneered wood B.002 radica eucalipto, corner
elements and feet tips in satinized champagne lacquered steel.
G¨ R a w d o n - M a k e u p d e s k
c m . 1 7 0 x 5 5 H .1 1 8
Vanity unit, structure upholstered in leather Cage 24259/01 sabbia, internal
compartments in RAL 3007 mat lacquer, front inserts in bronze mirror, front
borders and plinth in satinized champagne lacquered steel. Drawer internal
part in RAL 3007 mat lacquer, desk pad in B.002 eucalyptus veneer. Mirror
with sanded frame and LED lighting. Back in RAL 1013 mat lacquer.
H¨ T r a c e y - A r m c h a i r
c m . 6 7 x 6 8 H . 8 9
Small armchair, in fabric Movie 24251/598 inchiostro. Loose cushion 30x30
cm in leather Malta 24261/09 mercurio.
I ¨ M a r v e l - C a r p e t
c m . 3 0 0 x 4 0 0
metal plates in satinized golden finishing.
L¨ D a w n s t a r - C h a n d e l i e r
c m . 0 1 0 0 h . 1 3 0
Ceiling light with champagne aluminium plates.
N + O¨ S p a r k - M i r r o r
c m . 0 4 2 H . 8 8 / c m . 0 6 0 H .1 0 8
Convex mirror with frame and belt support in champagne aluminium
plates and embedded Swarovski beads. Stud for wall fixing in champagne
lacquered brass with engraved Visionnaire logo.
P¨ D a w n s t a r - W a l l l a m p
c m . 4 5 x 2 5 H .1 1 8
Wall lamp with champagne aluminium plates.
A r t G a l l e r y
SWAN cm. 120x245 - Print on plexiglass with inserts in hand-painted glass
and Swarovski crystals.