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Catalogue Visionnaire: Green Heart Collection 2017, page 150 of 208

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A¨ P r i n c e s s - L e t t o
c m . 2 8 9 x 2 3 0 H .1 0 7
Testata in tessuto Rori 24219/05 bamboo e parte centrale in pelle plissettata
Classic 24263/23 beige. Sommier e piedi in pelle liscia Classic 24263/23
beige, puntali in acciaio finitura nickel nero satinato. Rete a doghe 180x200
cm, materasso ortopedico 180x200 cm, cuscini guanciale 80x50 cm in
Q¨ S o l a n g e - C o p r i l e t t o
c m . 2 8 0 x 2 6 0
Copriletto in raso trapuntato, set lenzuola con 2 federe in cotone con ricami
tono su tono.
B¨ Z e n i t - C o m o d i n o
c m . 5 3 x 3 8 H . 5 6
Comodino interamente rivestito in pelle Malta 24261/09 mercurio, top in
marmo ribassato in Sequoia brown finitura “leather”.
C¨ P r i n c e s s - P a n c a
c m . 1 6 0 x 5 0 H . 4 0
Panca in tessuto Rori 24219/05 bamboo e parte centrale plissettata Classic
24263/23 beige. Base e piedi in pelle liscia Classic 24263/23 beige, puntali
in acciaio finitura nickel nero satinato.
I¨ G r a c e - P o u f
c m . 5 9 x 5 8 H . 5 7
Pouf seduta e schienale rivestiti in pelle Galuchat 24130/482 sabbia. Struttura
in metallo finitura nickel nero satinato.
D¨ G r a c e - P o l t r o n a
c m . 1 3 0 x 1 0 3 H . 8 1 / 9 8 x 9 1 H . 8 1
Poltrona seduta rivestita in tessuto Empire 24127/01 perla, schienale rivestito
nella parte inferiore in tessuto Empire 24127/01 perla, nella parte superiore in
pelle Malta 24261/09 mercurio. Struttura in metallo finitura nickel nero satinato.
E¨ K e n a z - Ta v o l i n o
c m . 0 4 8 H . 6 4
Struttura in alluminio finitura nickel nero, top in Agata naturale.
F¨ S o w i l o - Ta v o l o b a s s o e l l i t t i c o
c m . 1 5 0 x 7 5 H . 3 8
Base in finitura Manganese. Top in marmo Sequoia brown in finitura “leather”.
Profilo top in acciaio inox satinato finitura nikel nero.
G¨ W e s t l e y - M o b i l e t r u c c o
c m . 2 3 0 x 5 9 H .7 8
Top in vetro temperato fumé, gambe in legno rivestite in pelle Classic 24263/23
beige liscia con puntalini in acciaio finitura nickel nero satinato, cassettiera
laterale rivestita in pelle Classic 24263/23 beige a doppia lavorazione liscia/
intrecciata con cassetti in essenza B.180 flamed sand, interno laccato RAL 1013
opaco, zoccolino e bordature in acciaio finitura nickel nero satinato.
H¨ W e s t l e y - S p e c c h i e r a l u m i n o s a a p a r e t e
c m . 0 1 8 0 x 4
Specchiera luminosa a parete, cornice in acciaio finitura nickel nero satinato
con illuminazione perimetrale a LED, retro pannello in legno laccato RAL
9005 opaco, specchio con bordo bisellato.
L¨ A z i m u t - C a s s e t t i e r a
c m . 2 5 0 x 5 0 H .7 5
Cassettiera in pelle Malta 24269/09 mercurio, gole e cornici in acciaio
finitura nickel nero satinato, pannelli frontali dei cassetti in marmo Sequoia
brown “leather”, interni laccato opaco RAL 9005, gambe in acciaio finitura
nickel nero satinato.
M¨ To b i s - L a m p a d a d a t a v o l o
c m . 0 2 5 H .7 5
Lampada in vetro soffiato. Struttura metallica finitura nickel nero satinato.
N¨ G a l a h a d - P l a f o n i e r a
c m . 0 1 0 0 H . 5 0
Alluminio naturale.
O¨ M i s t e r y - Ta p p e t o
c m . 3 5 0 x 2 5 0
P¨ J o y c e - A p p l i q u e
c m . 3 4 x 1 3 H .7 0
Struttura in acciaio finitura nickel nero satinato, maglia in scaglie di alluminio
finitura naturale.
A r t G a l l e r y
Michele Astolfi DRY LEAF cm. 130x150 - Opera su fondo in plexiglass hi-
gloss color madreperla argento con lavorazione di cristalli Swarovski.
A¨ P r i n c e s s - B e d
c m . 2 8 9 x 2 3 0 H .1 0 7
Headboard in fabric Rori 24219/05 bamboo and central part in pleated
leather Classic 24263/23 beige. Bedframe and feet in smooth leather
Classic 24263/23 beige, tips in satinized black nickel lacquered steel.
Wooden slats 180x200 cm, orthopedic mattress 180x200 cm, pillows 80x50
cm in feathers.
Q¨ S o l a n g e - B e d c o v e r
c m . 2 8 0 x 2 6 0
Bedcover in quilted satin, bed lining set with 2 pillow cases in cotton with
embroidery tone on tone.
B¨ Z e n i t - B e d s i d e t a b l e
c m . 5 3 x 3 8 H . 5 6
Bedside table fully upholstered in Malta leather 24261/09 mercurio, top in
Sequoia brown marble with “leather” finishing.
C¨ P r i n c e s s - B e n c h
c m . 1 6 0 x 5 0 H . 4 0
Bench in fabric Rori 24219/05 bamboo and central pleated part in leather
Classic 24263/23 beige. Base and feet in smooth leather Classic 24263/23
beige, tips in satinized black nickel lacquered steel.
D¨ G r a c e - P o u f f e
c m . 5 9 x 5 8 H . 5 7
Pouffe, seat and backrest upholstered in leather Galuchat 24130/482
sabbia. Structure in satinized black nickel lacquered steel.
H¨ G r a c e - A r m c h a i r
c m . 1 3 0 x 1 0 3 H . 8 1 / 9 8 x 9 1 H . 8 1
Armchair, seat upholstered in fabric Empire 24127/01 perla, backrest
upholstered in fabric Empire 24127/01 perla in the lower part, and in leather
Malta 24261/09 mercurio in the upper part. Structure in satinized metal
lacquered in metallic anthracite colour.
E¨ K e n a z - R o u n d t a b l e
c m . 0 4 8 H . 6 4
Structure in black nickel lacquered aluminum, top in natural Agatha.
F¨ S o w i l o - E l l i p t i c a l l o w t a b l e
c m . 1 5 0 x 7 5 H . 3 8
Base in Manganese finishing, Top in marble Sequoia brown “leather”
finishing. Top profile in satinized stainless steel black nickel finishing.
G¨ W e s t l e y - M a k e - u p d e s k
c m . 2 3 0 x 6 0 H .7 8
Top in smoked tempered glass, wooden legs covered in leather Classic
24263/23 beige with tips in satinized black nickel lacquered steel, side
drawer unit covered in leather Classic 24263/23 beige with double
manufacture (smooth/woven) with drawers in B.180 flamed sand veneer,
internal in RAL 1013 mat lacquered wood, plinth and borders in satinized
black nickel steel.
H¨ W e s t l e y - L i g h t e d w a l l m i r r o r
c m . 0 1 8 0 x 4
Wall mirror with lighting, frame in satinized black nickel lacquered steel with
LED lighting on perimeter, rear panel in RAL 9005 mat lacquered wood,
mirror with bevelled edge.
L¨ A z i m u t - C h e s t o f d r a w e r s
c m . 2 5 0 x 5 0 H .7 5
Chest of drawers in leather Malta 24269/09 mercurio, grooves and frames
in satinized black nickel lacquered steel, drawers’ front panels in Sequoia
Brown marble with “leather” finishing, internal parts in RAL 9005 mat
lacquered wood, legs in satinized black nickel lacquered steel.
M¨ To b i s - Ta b l e l a m p
c m . 0 2 5 H .7 5
Table lamp in Blown glass, metal structure in satinized black nickel finishing.
N¨ G a l a h a d - C e i l i n g l a m p
c m . 0 1 0 0 H . 5 0
Natural aluminium.
O¨ M i s t e r y - C a r p e t
c m . 3 5 0 x 2 5 0
P¨ J o y c e - W a l l l a m p
c m . 3 4 x 1 3 H .7 0
Structure in satinized black nickel steel, mesh in natural aluminium plates.
A r t G a l l e r y
Michele Astolfi DRY LEAF cm. 130x150 - Plexiglass pearly silver base with
Swarovski crystals processing.