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Catalogue Visionnaire: Green Heart Collection 2017, page 124 of 208

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A¨ O p e r a - Ta v o l o d a p r a n z o
c m . 0 1 8 0 H .7 6
Tavolo da pranzo con base in essenza C.507 eucalipto frisé a lavorazione
cannettata con base e profili verticali in acciaio finitura champagne satinato
con logo Visionnaire inciso. Sottotop in alluminio verniciato RAL 1013 opaco.
Top in essenza C.507 eucalipto frisé finitura lucida con vano centrale
ribassato con profilo perimetrale circolare in acciaio finitura champagne
satinato e meccanismo “Lazy Susan” a filo top indipendente ed estraibile.
H¨ C a r m e n P a d d e d - P o l t r o n c i n a
c m . 6 5 x 6 2 H . 8 1
Poltroncina rivestita in pelle Nabuk Maestrale 24127/3403 angora,
internamente liscia ed esternamente trapuntato cannettato, inserto metallico
in finitura champagne satinato.
B¨ C a r m e n S t e e l - S e d i a
c m . 6 8 x 6 6 H .7 9
Sedia rivestita in pelle Malta 24261/05 camoscio, internamente liscia ed
esternamente trapuntata cannettata. Struttura in acciaio finitura champagne
I¨ C y b o r g H i g h - Ta v o l i n o
c m . 5 1 x 4 1 H . 6 0
Tavolino a pianta sfalsata, rivestimento laterale sagomato in pelle Nabuk
Maestrale 24127/439 tartufo, base in acciaio champagne satinato, top in
marmo Sahara Noir, logo Visionnaire in acciaio finitura champagne satinato.
E¨ A u g u s t u s - M o b i l e c u r v o
c m . 2 4 0 x 5 5 H .7 0
Struttura in legno curvato e scanalato laccata NCS 2005 Y 30R lucido, top
a incasso in Onice Velluto, ripiani interni in vetro, base in acciaio satinato
finitura champagne.
F¨ S t i l o - P i a n t a n a
c m . 0 4 2 H .1 7 2
Piantana con stelo in ottone rigato a due colori, finitura champagne lucido e
smalto nero lucido, paralume in tessuto stampato con disegno geometrico
ed interno bianco.
K¨ S t i l o - L a m p a d a d a t a v o l o
c m . 3 4 x 3 8 H .7 0
Lampada da tavolo con stelo in ottone rigato a due colori, finitura
champagne lucido e smalto nero lucido, paralume in tessuto stampato con
disegno geometrico ed interno bianco.
G¨ M i l t o n - C o n s o l l e
c m . 2 0 0 x 4 5 H . 9 4
Struttura sottotop in ottone con top in marmo Sahara Noir, gambe con parte
inferiore in acciaio finitura nickel nero satinato, parte superiore in acciaio
finitura champagne satinato con logo Visionnaire inciso.
M¨ E t h a n - L a m p a d a r i o
c m . 0 1 1 0 H .1 0 0
Lampadario rotondo a 3 livelli, struttura in acciaio finitura champagne
satinato, vetri ondulati trasparenti, illuminazione perimetrale a LED.
L¨ B e l a r - Ta p p e t o
c m . 4 0 0 x 3 0 0
A r t G a l l e r y
ROOSTER cm. 100 x 160 - Opera su fondo in plexiglass con lavorazione in
mosaico di vetro di murano, pietra naturale e cristalli Swarovski.
A¨ O p e r a - D i n i n g t a b l e
c m . 0 1 8 0 H .7 6
Dining table diam. 180 H.76 cm, base in veneer C.507 eucalipto frisé with
cannetté decoration, base and vertical profiles in satinized champagne
lacquered steel with engraved Visionnaire logo. Undertop in aluminium
painted in RAL 1013 matt. Top in veneer C.507 eucalipto frisé with polished
finish and central lower part with round perimetral profile in satinized
stainless steel and “Lazy Susan” mechanism, built in the top and removable.
B¨ C a r m e n P a d d e d - A r m c h a i r
c m . 6 5 x 6 2 H . 8 1
Small armchair upholstered in leather Nabuk Maestrale 24127/3403
angora, internally smooth and externally quilted with cannetté motive,
satinized champagne lacquered metal insert.
C¨ C a r m e n S t e e l - C h a i r
c m . 6 8 x 6 6 H .7 9
Chair upholstered in leather Malta 24261/05 camoscio, internally smooth
and externally quilted with cannetté motive. Structure in satinized
champagne lacquered steel.
D¨ C y b o r g H i g h - L o w Ta b l e
c m . 5 1 x 4 1 H . 6 0
Low table with staggered base, lateral shaped upholstery in leather Nabuk
Maestrale 24127/439 tartufo, base in satinized stainless steel, top in marble
Sahara Noir, Visionnaire logo in satinized champagne lacquered.
Option: golden/bronzed/nichel lacquered steel steel.
E¨ A u g u s t u s - C u r v e d U n i t
c m . 2 4 0 x 5 5 H .7 0
Structure in wood with 4 curved and grooved doors lacquered NCS S
2005 Y 30R, built-in top in Onice Velluto, internal shelves in transparent
glass, plinth in satinized steel with champagne lacquered finish.
F¨ S t i l o - F l o o r l a m p
c m . 0 4 2 H .1 7 2
Base in polish steel with champagne lacquered finish, stem in striped brass
with lower part finished with polish champagne lacquering and upper part
finished with polish black enamelling, lampshade in satin with digital print
and white inside.
H¨ S t i l o - Ta b l e l a m p
c m . 3 4 x 3 8 H .7 0
Table lamp with pole in striped brass in two colours, shiny champagne and
shiny black enamel. Lampshade in printed fabric with geometric pattern
and white interior.
G¨ M i l t o n - C o n s o l e
c m . 2 0 0 x 4 5 H . 9 4
Structure under top in brass with top in Sahara Noir marble, legs with lower
part in satinized black nickel lacquered steel and upper part in satinized
champagne lacquered steel with engraved Visionnaire logo.
I¨ E t h a n - C i r c u l a r c h a n d e l i e r
c m . 0 1 1 0 H .1 0 0
Round chandelier on 3 levels, structure in satinized champagne lacquered
steel, transparent undulating glasses, LED lighting on perimeter.
L¨ B e l a r - C a r p e t
c m . 4 0 0 x 3 0 0
A r t G a l l e r y
ROOSTER cm. 100 x 160 - Plexiglass with Murano mosaic glass processing,
natural stone and Swarovski crystals.