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Catalogue Visionnaire: Aracea 2021, page 2 of 16

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On the occasion of the Design Week in September 2021, Visionnaire will participate to Alcova,
the traveling Kemesse of the Fuorisalone conceived by Joseph Grima and Valentina Ciuffi
in 2018 and dedicated to designers, artists, galleries and institutions united by a pioneering
vision of the culture of design, innovation and experimentation.
Alcova arrives this year in a former military area in the Inganni district. An abandoned urban
forest and buildings from the 1930s invaded by uncontrolled vegetation are the ideal stage
for the installation “De Rerum Natura” by Gunilla Zamboni, known as Gupica.
Aracea - design Gupica - is a sculptural lamp inspired by a liana with large heart-shaped
leaves. It explores the concept of contemporary beauty through the metaphor of nature.
Delicate and at the same time iconic presence, it is the result of a thought on the natural/
artificial dichotomy as a constant/variant of the relationship between man and nature.
Natural shapes are simplified until they became the components of a functional object. The
LED light source, like lifeblood, passes through the central rib of the leaf producing a direct
lighting also directable, simulating the natural movements of a leaf. Its modularity allows the
declination in the floor, wall, table, suspension, sky/ground lamp models, all installed on the
first floor of the “Casa delle Suore” between walls with printed velvet curtains and carpets
with laser cut leaves made of recycled leathers on design by Gunilla Zamboni.
Visionnaire continues along its path of sustainable growth, conceiving the installation
projects of Milan Design Week 2021 from a carbon neutral and plastic free perspective,
protecting the environment and compensating for CO2 emissions during the September
events. Direct and indirect emissions were offset by carbon credits (VCS certificates)
generated by a reforestation project carried out in Brazil, in Mato Grosso del Sud, and
recognized by the United Nations.
This project was chosen because it contains the three most significant co-benefits:
environmental, social and biodiversity.
Environmental, because the planted tree species has an extraordinary efficiency in the
absorption of CO2 and in the production of oxygen and which therefore allows an efficient
use of the land intended as a scarce resource.
Social, because the project has created multiple new jobs for local communities, offering
workers higher than average wages, training and new healthcare and wellbeing services.
Biodiversity, because before this project, the area was totally degraded due to intensive
grazing and reforestation has made it possible to create a new ecosystem conducive to
wildlife, who found shelter and food in it (there are also several animal species considered at
risk from the IUCN Red List such as the hyacinth macaw, the maned wolf, the giant anteater,
the giant armadillo, the tapir, the leopard, the puma and the jaguar).
Visionnaire is followed in this path by Carbon Credits Consulting, a Bolognese startup
specialized in carbon offsetting projects that offers advice to organizations sensitive to
environmental issues.