Visionnaire Italy Lead time 120 days

Catalogue Visionnaire: Accessories 2019, page 54 of 54

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Per la natura manuale delle fasi di lavorazione di alcuni prodotti, senza uso di
stampi o altri sistemi di riproduzione, alcune opere possono presentare leggere
differenze in termini di dimensioni e resa della finitura. Tali manufatti sono di fatto
da considerarsi “pezzi unici”. Anche le misure possono subire delle modifiche
rispetto alle indicazioni del catalogo.
For the manual nature of certain manufacturing phases, without using prints or
other reproductive systems, some artworks may present little variations in terms of
sizes and finishing. These artifacts have to be considered as “unique pieces”. The
measures can also be subject to small alterations from the catalog’s indications.

Creatività, sostenibilità e new luxury.
La Re-Evolution dal cuore verde di Visionnaire passa anche dalla realizzazione
di questo catalogo che unisce il valore storico dell’italianità del brand
alla green consciousness. L’intero catalogo è stampato su carte ricavate
da foreste gestite in maniera responsabile.
Creativity, sustainability and new luxury.
Visionnaire green-hearted re-evolution hits also the production of this catalogue,
in which the long standing value of the company for made-in-Italy melts with the
concept of green consciousness. The catalogue is printed on paper obtained
from responsibly managed forests.
I.P.E. S.r.l.
Via Mattei 1 - 40069 Zola Predosa (Bo) Italy
tel. +39 051 6186311 - fax +39 051 6186310
Produced by
Visionnaire Logo, catalogue and advertising images are sole propriety of IPE srl,
henceforth any use of the logo or adaptation of images is strictly forbidden
without IPE srl prior approval; nonetheless, in any case the images must be used
in such a way that there is no reasonable doubt that those belong to IPE srl
and refer to IPE srl products. No part of this publication can be reproduced
or transmitted in any form or by any means, both electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, or via any information storage
and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher.
Print Made in Italy | APRIL 2019 | Euroteam - green advanced printing
Art Director Eleonore Cavalli

Photo Credits: Max Zambelli, Andrea Ansalone, Laura Baiardini e Delfino Sisto Legnani

Selection curated by Elena Caponi Studio e Marco Morandini