Ultom Italy Lead time 60 days

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Ultom Italy
Company Profile:
Ultom was founded in 1982 thanks to
the Tombolan family's will to give to the
coming from a long working time in the
home furniture world.
The Italian tradition of masterly carpent-
ry and the secrets of workmanship have
been passed on from father to son since
the beginning of the century reaching
nowadays its third generation: from the
little craftsman's workshop to a producti-
ve space of 15.000 square metres.
All the main work is done inside the company, with traditional machinery for the working
wood assisted by the most modern and sophisticated computerized equipment. Expert
craftsmen carefully select all the raw materials with particular attention to their quality
and origin, which are always in accordance with the European regulations regarding
quality and safety for the place of work.
For material other than wood, Ultom uses qualified external workshop, which are mana-
ged directly by the company technicians.
Ultom applies requirements of ISO-9001 and ISO-14001, rule to all its activities, from the
first sketches to the delivery of furniture:
- the planning is strictly structured, aiming at the design's exclusivity without forgetting
the ergonomic, the functionality and the psychological impact of products in the office
- the management of contracts and orders is led with clearness and constant attention
to Client's needs, studying possible products personalisation's
- the production is carefully planned and rigorous checks are done at every step, from
the raw material selection's to the packaging of furniture
- the suppliers are strictly chosen and rigorous checks are done at every supplying
- all factory's aspects , from human resources to infrastructures, are managed under
All this is documented and regularly checked inspectors, specialized in furnishings