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Catalogue Tura: Tura technical details 2013 7508, page 36 of 68

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art. 3005
conSoLe “gALUchAT”
Misure/Size 140x35x95
art. 3007
conSoLe “pARchMenT”
Misure/Size 140x35x95”
rivestita in pelle di razza oppure pergamena con cornice rovere
tinto wengè (rif. img: col. g02 galuchat naturale opaco, 172 rovere
tinto wenge opaco). Piedini in ottone satinato.
Finished with natural stingray or parchment and framed by oak
stained wenge (photo ref.: g02 natural stringray matt, 172 oak
stained wenge matt). Satin brass details.
art. 3006
SpecchIeRA “RoveRe”
MIrrOr “rOVere”
Misure/Size 110x3x250
Specchiera “rovere” (rif. img: rovere tinto wengè opaco).
Mirror “rovere” (photo ref.: col.172 oak stained wengè matt).
design G. Ventura
N e W A g e

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