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Catalogue Tura: Tura technical details 2013 7508, page 25 of 68

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art. 3319
SpecchIeRA “pAgoDA”
Misure/Size 120x3x200
Specchiera “pagoda” con cornice in pergamena o in galuchat (rif.
img.: g01 galuchat grigio antracite levigato opaco).
Mirror “pagoda” with frame covered with parchment or stingray
(photo ref.: g01 sanded shagreen dark grey matt).
art. 3323
SpecchIeRA “1930S”
MIrrOr “1930S”
Misure/Size 130x11x220
Specchiera rivestita in pergamena ed ebano (rif. img.: col.102
naturale opaca, 073 ebano lucido) con forma bombata e dettagli in
nickel lucido.
Mirror finished with parchment and ebony (photo ref.: col. 102
natural matt, 073 ebony highgloss) with rounded shape and
polished nickel details.
art. 3322
Misure/Size 150x3x280
Specchiera slanciata con dettagli in lacca naturale opaca. Anche su
Vertical mirror with lacquered natural matt details. Also available
custom size.
art. 3318
SpecchIeRA “kyoTo”
MIrrOr “kyOTO”
Misure/Size 90x4x250
Specchiera “kyoto”. Semplicemente elegante.
Mirror “kyoto” . Simply elegant.
design G. Ventura
e C L I P S e