the printed reproduction of the finishes is only indicative. toscanini reserve them-
selves the right to modify the products in this catalogue without prior notice.
All sketches/drawings, variants, products and images featured in this catalogue
are subject to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of Industrie tos-
canini Srl Unipers Soc. no use is allowed without prior written consent by Industrie
toscanini Srl Unipers Soc.
All items are Toscanini Made in Italy branded.
Printed in July 2016
Industrie toscanini S.r.l. Soc. Unipersonale
via Catlinetti 17, 13011 Isolella Sesia - Borgosesia (VC), Italy
t +39 0163.22473 fax +39 0163.27659 |
Photos & Design
Paolo Bellon
Francesca Melli