Tonin Casa Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Tonin Casa: Collection 2021, page 44 of 257

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La seduta Hug abbraccia e crea empatia grazie all’inedita curvatura e
sagomatura di schienale e braccioli. Con base in metallo o in legno, la
raffinatezza di questa sedia diventa un tutt’uno con l’ambiente che la circonda.
design_Luca Signoretti
The Hug seat embraces and creates empathy thanks the unusual curvature and
shaping of the back and armrests. With metal or wooden structure, the refinement
of this chair becomes one with the environment that surrounds it.
base frassino nero/black ash base (25);
rivestimento ecopelle nabuk ecrù/ecrù nubuck eco-leather covering (SN03).