Tonin Casa Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Tonin Casa: Collection 2021, page 33 of 257

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Aria Élite è caratterizzata da una linea sinuosa, leggera e morbida, rivestita in
cuoio con base in finitura cromo nero. Una sedia adatta ai più diversi contesti,
impilabile, con scocca in stampato polimerico e struttura in metallo laccato o
Aria Élite is characterized by a sinuous, light and soft line, covered in thick leather
with base in black chrome finish. A stackable chair suitable for the most diverse
contexts, with molded polymer shell and lacquered or chromed metal structure.
aria élite
design_Tonin Casa Creatives
Aria élite
base verniciato nero lucido/shiny black varnished base (76);
rivestimento cuoio bianco e fango/
white and mud thick leather covering (K01, K51).

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