Tonin Casa Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Tonin Casa: Collection 2021, page 188 of 257

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Da’ alla tua casa una nuova prospettiva glam con la serie di tavolini Jazz in due
misure e varie finiture: servetto e tavolino con top in vetro o vetro martellato e
base in metallo verniciato.
design_Tonin Casa Creatives
Give your home a new glam perspective with the Jazz coffee table series in two
sizes and various finishes: side table and coffee table with glass or hammered
glass top and varnished metal base.
struttura oro opaco e grigio carbone/matt gold and carbon grey structure (85, 10);
top vetro fumè e vetro martellato bronzo/fumè and hammered bronze glass top (V85, V83M).