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Scrivania LOCK in pelle Florida beige e palissandro tabacco opaco, dettagli in acciaio nichel
nero lucido
LOCK desk in beige Florida leather and matt tobacco rosewood, polished black nickel steel details
Poltrona direzionale GRAMERCY in pelle Florida beige
GRAMERCY executive armchair in beige Florida leather
Poltrona bassa GRAMERCY LOW in pelle Florida beige
GRAMERCY LOW low armchair in beige Florida leather
Set scrittoio GRAMERCY in acciaio e pelle Florida beige
GRAMERCY desk set in polished stainless steel and beige Florida leather
Lampada da tavolo WI in palissandro tabacco opaco e pelle Florida marrone, dettagli
in acciaio nichel nero lucido, paralume in tessuto Vamp 84 marrone
WI table lamp in matt tobacco rosewood and brown Florida leather, polished black nickel steel
details, 84 brown Vamp fabric shade
Lampada da terra WI in palissandro tabacco opaco e pelle Florida marrone, dettagli in acciaio
nichel nero lucido, paralume in tessuto Vamp 84 marrone
WI floor lamp in matt tobacco rosewood and brown Florida leather, polished black nickel
steel details, 84 brown Vamp fabric shade
Mobile contenitore LOCK in pelle Florida beige e palissandro tabacco opaco, dettagli
in acciaio nichel nero lucido
LOCK cabinet in beige Florida leather and matt tobacco rosewood, polished black nickel
steel details
Allungo LOCK in pelle Florida beige e palissandro tabacco opaco, dettagli in acciaio nichel
nero lucido
LOCK desk-extension in beige Florida leather and matt tobacco leather, polished black nickel
steel details
Composizione libreria LOCK in pelle Florida beige e palissandro tabacco opaco, dettagli
in acciaio nichel nero lucido
LOCK bookcase composition in beige Florida leather and matt tobacco rosewood, polished
black nickel steel details
Consolle LOCK in pelle Florida beige e palissandro tabacco opaco, dettagli in acciaio nichel
nero lucido
LOCK console in beige Florida leather and matt tobacco rosewood, polished black nickel
steel details
Tappeto CONTINENTAL in montone naturale Mussman marrone e pelle Scamosciato moro
CONTINENTAL carpet in brown Mussman natural sheepskin and brown Scamosciato
suede leather
Pannello decorativo LOCK
LOCK decorative panel
Set vasi ARES in ceramica finitura “lustro” bronzo
ARES vase set in “lustro” bronze ceramic finishing
OLD TOWN • KOTOR p. 68-77