art. 9602
cm 104x104x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9603
cm 86x175x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9608
cm 86x86x38h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9607
cm 86x86x19h
art. 9609
cm 86x200x38h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9605
cm 70x180x38h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
only white
art. 9606
cm 120x40x50h
only musk
art. 9601
cm 75x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9600
cm 18x100x50h
art. 9620
cm 358x272x102/177x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9615
cm 272x272x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9616
cm 347x272x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9617
cm 347x347x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9613
cm 261x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9614
cm 336x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9618
cm 347x102/177x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9619
cm 422x102/177x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
sunweave bianco perla
art. 9625
cm 80x76x78h
(Hs. cm 41+2,5)
art. 9626
cm 46x37x42h
art. 9627
cm 130x46x42h
art. 9628
cm 160x46x42h
art. 9629
cm 39x37x10h
art. 9611
cm 111x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
art. 9612
cm 186x102x78h
(Hs. cm 19+19)
GianVittorio Plazzogna nato a Treviso, si laurea in architettura a
Venezia. Inizialmente art director presso lo studio Quadragono,
apre a Treviso il proprio studio professionale occupandosi di
grafica pubblicitaria e di product design. Lo studio si occupa del
design e dell'immagine coordinata di diverse aziende operanti
nel settore del mobile.
GianVittorio Plazzogna was born in Treviso and got a degree in
Architecture in Venice. He is processing product design collaborating
with many companies in the furniture field and also developping
complete shops equipment and interior decoration.
Roberto Papparotto nasce a Treviso nel 1976, frequenta lo IUAV,
Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia dove si laurea a
pieni voti in Disegno Industriale.
Dal 2003 collabora con l'architetto Gianvittorio Plazzogna a
progetti di design e art-direction per numerose aziende.
Roberto Papparotto was born in Treviso in 1976, attended IUAV
(Architecture University Institute ) in Venice getting a degree with full
marks in Industrial Design.
Since 2003 he has been collaborating with Arch. Gianvittorio
Plazzogna regarding design projects and art-direction of Companies
G.V. Plazzogna R. Papparotto
sunweave musk
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