A.G.BELLAVITE srl, Missaglia (Lc)
The 2011 Quattrobi general catalogue may not be reproduced either in whole or in part. Descriptions, images, sizes and all technical information contained in this document are indicative and are not
binding for the Company. As Quattrobi implements a research and development system for continuous improvement of its products, the Company may change the existing sizes, executions and
technical characteristics at any time without notice. For more information contact the Quattrobi Technhical Department. All rights reserved.
Winning Associati - Bernareggio, Milan
Winning Associati - Bernareggio, Milan
Studio Fotografico Giudicianni e Biffi - Mezzago, Milan
Massimiliano Biffi - Colnago, Milan
Winning Associati - Bernareggio, Milan
A. G. Bellavite - Missaglia, Lecco
Printed in accordance with the GreenPrinting® philosophy,
aimed at protecting the environment by using materials
(such as plates, paper, inks and packaging)
with low environmental impact,
as well as by using renewable energy sources
and natural gas vehicles.
A.G. Bellavite reduced its greenhouse gas emissions,
both direct and indirect, for the manufacturing
of its products to zero.