La ricerca di elementi architettonici inediti e di
progetti decorativi non convenzionali ha indotto
Paola Lenti – che da sempre considera volumi
e oggetti d’arredo un insieme coerente – a esten-
dere i propri orizzonti creativi. Ispirandosi alla
tradizione del mosaico, l’azienda ha coniugato
tecniche antiche con un pensiero grafico con-
temporaneo e, come per i propri esclusivi tes-
suti, ha cambiato dimensioni e materiali di base
ottenendo un nuovo alfabeto creativo.
Dialogando e confrontandosi con alcune impre-
se italiane, che hanno messo a disposizione
esperienze, competenze e differenti capacità
produttive con l'obiettivo di attuare progetti
condivisi, sono stati ideati e realizzati pavi-
menti e rivestimenti murali lavorati e rifiniti a
mano, in pietra lavica, vetro, ceramica, metal-
lo e legno. Trame tessili dinamiche e sempre
diverse, alle quali i rapporti fra pieni e vuoti
della materia e del colore hanno dato ritmo e
The search for inedited architectural elements
and non-conventional design projects has led
Paola Lenti – that has always considered volumes
and furnishings as a coherent set – to expand
its creativity horizons. Inspired by the tradition
of mosaics, the company has combined ancient
techniques with a contemporary graphic style
and, similarly to its exclusive fabrics, has chan-
ged dimensions and base materials to forge
a new creative alphabet.
The dialogue with some Italian companies, that
have shared their expertise, knowledge and
different production skills with the objective
to realize a common project, has led to the
design and production of floorings and wall
coverings, both for the interiors and the exte-
riors, made by hand in lava stone, glass,
ceramics, metal and wood. Textile weaves that
are dynamic and always different, to which
the combination of solids and voids of matter
and colour have given rhythm and movement.
The search for inedited architectural elements
and non-conventional design projects has led
Paola Lenti – that has always considered volumes
and furnishings as a coherent set – to expand
its creativity horizons. Inspired by the tradition
of mosaics, the company has combined ancient
techniques with a contemporary graphic sty-
le and, similarly to its exclusive fabrics, has
changed dimensions and base materials to
forge a new creative alphabet.
The dialogue with some Italian companies, that
have shared their expertise, knowledge and
different production skills with the objective
to realize a common project, has led to the
design and production of floorings and wall
coverings, both for the interiors and the exte-
riors, made by hand in lava stone, glass,
ceramics, metal and wood. Textile weaves that
are dynamic and always different, to which
the combination of solids and voids of matter
and colour have given rhythm and movement.