Of employees believe their
workplace does not foster
creativity or collaboration
Of employees say their
workplace can be noisy,
distracting and lacks privacy
Highly durable providing
long term stability with all
fixtures holding a Group 1
fire Rating
Acoustic material absorbs
up to 70% of reverberated
sound with an NRC of 0.7.
Una forma semplice e riconoscibile che
massimizza la superficie di fonoassorbenza e
riduce il riflesso diretto delle onde sonore.
Disponibile modulo da un metro ad emissione
diretta e indiretta, materiale fonoassorbente
in PET color carbone. Grigio chiaro, blu
scuro, verde smeraldo o arancio disponibili
su richiesta per il contract.
A simple and recognizable shape that
maximizes the sound absorption surface and
reduces the direct reflection of sound waves.
One meter module with direct and PET sound
absorbing material is available in the charcoal
color. Light gray, dark blue, emerald green or
orange colors available on request for