Ozzio Italia Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Ozzio Italia: Catalogo 2021, page 24 of 49

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Arioso loft con zona giorno open
space e zona notte soppalcata a vista,
delineata da un’elegante balaustra in
vetro. Gli sgabelli Milo dalla morbida
seduta, decorano la penisola, mentre
una consolle Golia funge da comodo
scrittorio e angolo studio/lavoro. I
protagonisti della zona relax sono i
sorprendenti pouf Cubix, in grado di
trasformarsi fino a formare cinque
sedute, quattro delle quali dotate di
comodo schienale. Il complemento
attorno al tavolo trasformabile Box
proposto nella nuova finitura in Marble
Airy loft with open space living area and
open mezzanine sleeping area, outlined
by an elegant glass balustrade.
Milo stools with soft seats decorate the
peninsula, while a Golia console serves
as a comfortable desk and study / work
The stars of the relax area are the
surprising Cubix poufs, which can
transform into five seats, four of which
have a comfortable backrest.
Cubix matches perfectly around the
Box transformable coffee table shown
in the new Marble Glass finish.
Pouf trasformabili S011 CUBIX rivestimento EP90, VE03 con cuciture a contrasto, struttura MT97 / Tavolino trasformabile T110 BOX
piano MG01 struttura MT97 / Sgabelli S503 MILO seduta P11 base MT97 - Transformable pouf S011 CUBIX covering EP90, VE03 with
contrast stitching, MT97 structure / Transformable coffee table T110 BOX top MG01 structure MT97 / Stools S503 MILO seat P11 base
MT97 - Umwandelbare Sitzsack S011 CUBIX bezug EP90, VE03 mit Kontrastnähten, Struktur MT97 / Umwandelbarer Couchtisch T110
BOX Platte MG01 Struktur MT97 / Hocker S503 MILO Sitz P11 Untergestell MT97 - Poufs transformables S011 CUBIX avec EP90, VE03
avec coutures contrastées, structure MT97 / Table basse transformable T110 BOX plan MG01 structure MT97 / Tabourets S503 MILO
siège P11 structure MT97 - Otomanos transformables S011 CUBIX con EP90, VE03 con costura de contraste, estructura MT97 / Mesa
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