Ozzio Italia Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Ozzio Italia: Catalogo 2021, page 14 of 49

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Appartamento signorile e sofisticato,
esaltato dal tavolo Gem, novità del piano
sagomato con molatura incrociata a
doppia bisellatura, vero protagonista
della zona pranzo attorniato dalle
sedute in cuoio Kite. L’area conviviale
esprime tranquillità e sofisticatezza
con le librerie Panto collocate a parete,
e il tavolino elevabile Bellagio proposto
in Marble Glass. L’ingresso apre sulla
performante consolle allungabile 4You
e l’imponente specchio Golden Big.
Elegant and sophisticated apartment,
enhanced by the Gem table, innovation
of the shaped top with crossed double
bevel grinding, the real star of the
dining area surrounded by Kite leather
chairs. The convivial area expresses
peace and elegance with the Panto
bookcases placed against the wall, and
the Bellagio multifunctional coffee table
proposed in Marble Glass. The entrance
opens onto the high-performance 4You
extendable console and the majestic
Golden Big mirror.
Tavolino multifunzione T061 BELLAGIO piano MG02 struttura MT98 gambe CR12 / Poltroncina S059 SVEVA seduta P12 base MT97
Librerie X016B PANTO telaio MT97 struttura PW95 ripiani CR14 - Multifunctional table T061 BELLAGIO top MG02 structure MT98
legs CR12 / Armchair S059 SVEVA covering P12 base MT97 / Bookcases X016B PANTO frame MT97 structure PW95 shelves CR14
Multifunktionstisch T061 BELLAGIO Platte MG02 Struktur MT98 Beine CR12 / Sessel S059 SVEVA Sitz P12 Basis MT97 / Bücherregale
X016B PANTO Rahmen MT97 Struktur PW95 Regale CR14 - Table multifunction T061 BELLAGIO plateau MG02 Structure MT98 Pieds CR12
Fauteuil S059 SVEVA revêtement P12 base MT97 / Bibliothèques X016B PANTO Cadre MT97 Structure PW95 Etagères CR14 - Mesita
transformable T061 BELLAGIO tapa MG02 estructura MT98 patas CR12 / Sillón S059 SVEVA tapizado P12 base MT97 / Librerías X016B