Moroso vol 1/3 Sofas + Seating systems
Martino Gamper
Martino Gamper (nato a Merano nel 1971) vive e
lavora a Londra. Inizia come apprendista da un produttore
di mobili di Merano e successivamente studia scultura
con Michelangelo Pistoletto all’Accademia di Belle Arti di
Vienna. Nel 2000 si laurea presso il Royal College of Art di
Londra, dove ha avuto come insegnante Ron Arad.
Lavorando tra arte e design, Martino Gamper si impegna
in svariati progetti dall’exhibition design all’interior
design, commesse singole e design di prodotto in serie
per l’avanguardia del settore internazionale dell’arredo.
Gamper ha presentato la sua opera e i suoi progetti a
livello internazionale in numerose mostre selezionate
tra cui ‘100 Chairs in 100 days’, Touring Show, RMIT,
Melbourne, Australia; ’Transformers’, MAXXI, Roma (2016);
‘design is a state of mind’, Serpentine Sackler Gallery,
Londra (2014); ‘In A State of Repair’, Rinascente, Milano
(2014). Ha ottenuto il Moroso Award for Contemporary Art
nel 2011 e il Brit Insurance Designs of the Year, Furniture
Award nel 2008 per il progetto ‘100 Chairs in 100 day’.
Martino Gamper, born in 1971, Merano, Italy, lives
and works in London. Starting as an apprentice with a
furniture maker in Merano, Gamper went on to study
sculpture under Michelangelo Pistoletto at the Academy
of Fine Arts, Vienna. He completed a Masters in 2000 from
the Royal College of Art, London, where he studied under
Ron Arad. Working across design and art venues, Martino
Gamper engages in a variety of projects from exhibition
design, interior design, one-off commissions and the design
of mass-produced products for the cutting edge of the
international furniture industry. Gamper has presented his
works and projects internationally; selected exhibitions
and commissions include: ‘100 Chairs in 100 Days’, Touring
Show, RMIT, Melbourne, Aus; ’Transformers’, MAXXI,
Rome (2016); ’design is a state of mind’, Serpentine Sackler
Gallery, London (2014); ‘In A State of Repair’, Rinascente,
Milan (2014). Gamper was the recipient of the Moroso
Award for Contemporary Art in 2011, and the Brit Insurance
Designs of the Year, Furniture Award in 2008 for his project
‘100 Chairs in 100 days’.
Photo Angus Mill
Ha disegnato per Moroso
He designed for Moroso
St. Mark