Il vetro trasparente della nostra collezione CARNIVAL dona luce ed eleganza
al bistrot di grande stile EINSTEIN² a Praga.
Un’imponente linea di 8 sospensioni illumina perfettamente il bancone del
bar, mentre le versioni ad applique illuminano l’area lounge del bistrot.
La finitura oro opaco delle montature in metallo si integra con la scelta di
materiali e colori dell’interior design Petra Indruchová.
Project - arch. Petra Indruchová
Photo - Jan Brychta
The clear glass of our CARNIVAL collection brings both light and elegance to the stylized bistro EIN-
STEIN² in Prague.
An impressive line of 8 suspensions illuminates perfectly the bar desk whereas the wall sconce ver-
sions illuminate the lounge area of the bistro.
The matt gold finishing of the metal fixtures is integrated with the choice of materials and colours of
the interior design by Petra Indruchová.
CARNIVAL design | 4LB