0° C
Cooking and storage system
Blast chiller
Vacuum packing in
The rigid containers allow a high
vacuum to be generated even for food
that is sensitive to crushing.
Vacuum packing in bags
A method that can be used with all
foods, even liquids, which are not
sensitive to crushing.
Bag sealing
It guarantees perfect closure of the
bags after generating vacuum inside.
Blast chilling
This function allows the core
temperature of food that’s just been
cooked to be reduced rapidly, bringing
it to +3°C, a useful level to interrupt the
cooking process and prepare the food
for subsequent processing.
Chilled beverages
It is very simple to chill a drink and
bring it to the perfect serving
temperature: simply indicate the
number of bottles and the time. The
internal ventilation will prepare them
for the best taste.
Ready-to-eat foods
This function allows you to quickly
bring a food to the eating temperature,
or to program its availability at the
desired temperature, delaying heating
of the food for up to 10 hours.
This function makes it possible to
speed up the acclimatisation process
of just baked foods before eating them
or to cool them quickly for the
preparation of other foods.
The blast chiller controls the defrosting
stage of a food according to the
“controlled air temperature” method.
Food defrosts progressively, retaining
texture and structure.
Microcrystalline freezing
The freezing process quickly brings the
food to a temperature of -18°C with the
microcrystalline technique. This
method prevents excessive loss of
liquids and the consequent loss in
weight in the subsequent defrosting
Storage at 0°C
This function is useful for blocking and
inhibiting bacterial growth in foods.
Slow cooking
This function allows food to be cooked
slowly at a low temperature. It is the
ideal cooking method for sous vide
because it preserves the structure of
the food, does not subject it to high
thermal stress and maintains its
nutritional values.
By cooling the air inside the cell, the
machine is prepared for the blast
chilling and freezing functions in an
ideal manner, thereby reducing the
subsequent cycle times and
Raw fish
This function allows the machine to
perform a storage cycle at -30°C for
over 24h, which is useful to prevent
Anisakis parasite contamination in raw
fish products. At the end of the cycle, it
must be kept at -18°C.
This function allows the dough to
leaven by choosing three different
operating modes: “Immediate”,
“Stored”, “Delayed”. In each case, the
machine allows the air temperature,
the duration and the moist level to be
set for perfect proofing control.
Sous Vide Chef
Exclusive functions for marinating,
cold infusions and vacuum curing.
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Product technologies
Product technologies