Design by Hind Rabii - Maxim Pien / 2017
YA-YA is determined to be at the centre, at the
heart of places, a long fresco or hooked on
modest surfaces.
Its lights are all in suggestive and subtle mother-
of-pearl corollas. And ESPRIT YA-YA comes loose
from its surfaces to take shape in spaces. The
limits of its contours double up to create magical
landscapes. Through keyholes that are free and
formed with sense, ESPRIT YA-YA sculpts and cuts
the light to offer you what you see!
ESPRIT YA-YA feels at ease in all circumstances,
dinner jackets in a 17th century Chartreuse or a
Venetian palace. Esprit jeans in a plane tree. YA-YA
and ESPRIT YA-YA come together harmoniously
to illuminate you with their free spirits.