Basi isole in biomalta Grigio Siliceo.
Piano di lavoro isole in gres stone+
Velour Autumn finitura natural.
Snack h.4 cm in hi-melamine Midland.
Colonne In space h.249 cm con zoccolo h.2 cm,
boiserie h.249 cm ed elementi a giorno
in laccato flat matt Grigio Artico.
Interni colonne In Space hi-melamine Midland.
Island base units in Siliceous Grey biomalta.
Islands worktop in stone+ Velour Autumn
natural finish stoneware.
Snack top h.4 cm in Midland hi-melamine.
In space tall units h.249 cm with plinth h.2 cm,
boiserie panel h.249 cm and open units
in Arctic Grey flat matt lacquered.
In Space tall unit interior Midland hi-melamine.